* PJAX- Standalone
* A standalone implementation of Pushstate AJAX, for non-jQuery web pages.
* jQuery are recommended to use the original implementation at: http://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax
* @version 0.6.1
* @author Carl
* @source https://github.com/thybag/PJAX-Standalone
* @license MIT
// Object to store private values/methods.
var internal = {
// Is this the first usage of PJAX? (Ensure history entry has required values if so.)
"firstrun": true,
// Borrowed wholesale from https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax
// Attempt to check that a device supports pushstate before attempting to use it.
"is_supported": window.history && window.history.pushState && window.history.replaceState && !navigator.userAgent.match(/((iPod|iPhone|iPad).+\bOS\s+[1-4]|WebApps\/.+CFNetwork)/),
// Track which scripts have been included in to the page. (used if e)
"loaded_scripts": []
// If PJAX isn't supported we can skip setting up the library all together
// So as not to break any code expecting PJAX to be there, return a shell object containing
// IE7 + compatible versions of connect (which needs to do nothing) and invoke ( which just changes the page)
if(!internal.is_supported) {
// PJAX shell, so any code expecting PJAX will work
var pjax_shell = {
"connect": function() { return; },
"invoke": function() {
var url = (arguments.length === 2) ? arguments[0] : arguments.url;
document.location = url;
// AMD support
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define( function() { return pjax_shell; });
} else {
window.pjax = pjax_shell;
* AddEvent
* @scope private
* @param obj Object to listen on
* @param event Event to listen for.
* @param callback Method to run when event is detected.
internal.addEvent = function(obj, event, callback) {
obj.addEventListener(event, callback, false);
* Clone
* Util method to create copies of the options object (so they do not share references)
* This allows custom settings on different links.
* @scope private
* @param obj
* @return obj
internal.clone = function(obj) {
var object = {};
// For every option in object, create it in the duplicate.
for (var i in obj) {
object[i] = obj[i];
return object;
* triggerEvent
* Fire an event on a given object (used for callbacks)
* @scope private
* @param node. Objects to fire event on
* @return event_name. type of event
internal.triggerEvent = function(node, event_name, data) {
// Good browsers
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(event_name, true, true);
// If additional data was provided, add it to event
if(typeof data !== 'undefined') evt.data = data;
* popstate listener
* Listens for back/forward button events and updates page accordingly.
internal.addEvent(window, 'popstate', function(st) {
if(st.state !== null) {
var opt = {
'url': st.state.url,
'container': st.state.container,
'title' : st.state.title,
'history': false
// Merge original in original connect options
if(typeof internal.options !== 'undefined'){
for(var a in internal.options){
if(typeof opt[a] === 'undefined') opt[a] = internal.options[a];
// Convert state data to PJAX options
var options = internal.parseOptions(opt);
// If something went wrong, return.
if(options === false) return;
// If there is a state object, handle it as a page load.
* attach
* Attach PJAX listeners to a link.
* @scope private
* @param link_node. link that will be clicked.
* @param content_node.
internal.attach = function(node, options) {
// Ignore external links.
if ( node.protocol !== document.location.protocol ||
node.host !== document.location.host ) {
// Ignore anchors on the same page
if(node.pathname === location.pathname && node.hash.length > 0) {
// Ignore common non-PJAX loadable media types (pdf/doc/zips & images) unless user provides alternate array
var ignoreFileTypes = ['pdf','doc','docx','zip','rar','7z','gif','jpeg','jpg','png'];
if(typeof options.ignoreFileTypes === 'undefined') options.ignoreFileTypes = ignoreFileTypes;
// Skip link if file type is within ignored types array
if(options.ignoreFileTypes.indexOf( node.pathname.split('.').pop().toLowerCase() ) !== -1){
// Add link HREF to object
options.url = node.href;
// If PJAX data is specified, use as container
if(node.getAttribute('data-pjax')) {
options.container = node.getAttribute('data-pjax');
// If data-title is specified, use as title.
if(node.getAttribute('data-title')) {
options.title = node.getAttribute('data-title');
// Check options are valid.
options = internal.parseOptions(options);
if(options === false) return;
// Attach event.
internal.addEvent(node, 'click', function(event) {
// Allow middle click (pages in new windows)
if ( event.which > 1 || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey ) return;
// Don't fire normal event
if(event.preventDefault){ event.preventDefault(); }else{ event.returnValue = false; }
// Take no action if we are already on said page?
if(document.location.href === options.url) return false;
// handle the load.
* parseLinks
* Parse all links within a DOM node, using settings provided in options.
* @scope private
* @param dom_obj. Dom node to parse for links.
* @param options. Valid Options object.
internal.parseLinks = function(dom_obj, options) {
var nodes;
if(typeof options.useClass !== 'undefined'){
// Get all nodes with the provided class name.
nodes = dom_obj.getElementsByClassName(options.useClass);
// If no class was provided, just get all the links
nodes = dom_obj.getElementsByTagName('a');
// For all returned nodes
for(var i=0,tmp_opt; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
if(typeof options.excludeClass !== 'undefined') {
if(node.className.indexOf(options.excludeClass) !== -1) continue;
// Override options history to true, else link parsing could be triggered by back button (which runs in no-history mode)
tmp_opt = internal.clone(options);
tmp_opt.history = true;
internal.attach(node, tmp_opt);
if(internal.firstrun) {
// Store array or all currently included script src's to avoid PJAX accidentally reloading existing libraries
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for(var c=0; c < scripts.length; c++) {
if(scripts[c].src && internal.loaded_scripts.indexOf(scripts[c].src) === -1){
// Fire ready event once all links are connected
internal.triggerEvent(internal.get_container_node(options.container), 'ready');
* SmartLoad
* Smartload checks the returned HTML to ensure PJAX ready content has been provided rather than
* a full HTML page. If a full HTML has been returned, it will attempt to scan the page and extract
* the correct HTML to update our container with in order to ensure PJAX still functions as expected.
* @scope private
* @param HTML (HTML returned from AJAX)
* @param options (Options object used to request page)
* @return HTML to append to our page.
internal.smartLoad = function(html, options) {
// Grab the title if there is one
var title = html.getElementsByTagName('title')[0];
document.title = title.innerHTML;
// Going by caniuse all browsers that support the pushstate API also support querySelector's
// see: http://caniuse.com/#search=push
// see: http://caniuse.com/#search=querySelector
if (options.container.id=='') {
return html;
var container = html.querySelector("#" + options.container.id);
if(container !== null) return container;
// If our container was not found, HTML will be returned as is.
return html;
* Update Content
* Updates DOM with content loaded via PJAX
* @param html DOM fragment of loaded container
* @param options PJAX configuration options
* return options
internal.updateContent = function(html, options){
// Create in memory DOM node, to make parsing returned data easier
var tmp = document.createElement('div');
tmp.innerHTML = html;
// Ensure we have the correct HTML to apply to our container.
if(options.smartLoad) tmp = internal.smartLoad(tmp, options);
// If no title was provided, extract it
if(typeof options.title === 'undefined'){
// Use current doc title (this will be updated via smart load if its enabled)
options.title = document.title;
// Attempt to grab title from non-smart loaded page contents
var tmpTitle = tmp.getElementsByTagName('title');
if(tmpTitle.length !== 0) options.title = tmpTitle[0].innerHTML;
// Update the DOM with the new content
options.container.innerHTML = tmp.innerHTML;
// Run included JS?
if(options.parseJS) internal.runScripts(tmp);
// Send data back to handle
return options;
* runScripts
* Execute JavaScript on pages loaded via PJAX
* Note: In-line JavaScript is run each time a page is hit, while external JavaScript
* is only loaded once (Although remains loaded while the user continues browsing)
* @param html DOM fragment of loaded container
* return void
internal.runScripts = function(html){
// Extract JavaScript & eval it (if enabled)
var scripts = html.getElementsByTagName('script');
for(var sc=0; sc < scripts.length;sc++) {
// If has an src & src isn't in "loaded_scripts", load the script.
if(scripts[sc].src && internal.loaded_scripts.indexOf(scripts[sc].src) === -1){
// Append to head to include
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = scripts[sc].src;
// Add to loaded list
// If raw JS, eval it.
* handle
* Handle requests to load content via PJAX.
* @scope private
* @param url. Page to load.
* @param node. Dom node to add returned content in to.
* @param addtohistory. Does this load require a history event.
internal.handle = function(options) {
// Fire beforeSend Event.
internal.triggerEvent(options.container, 'beforeSend', options);
// Do the request
internal.request(options.url, function(html) {
// Fail if unable to load HTML via AJAX
if(html === false){
internal.triggerEvent(options.container,'complete', options);
internal.triggerEvent(options.container,'error', options);
// Parse page & update DOM
options = internal.updateContent(html, options);
// Do we need to add this to the history?
if(options.history) {
// If this is the first time pjax has run, create a state object for the current page.
window.history.replaceState({'url': document.location.href, 'container': options.container.id, 'title': document.title}, document.title);
internal.firstrun = false;
// Update browser history
window.history.pushState({'url': options.url, 'container': options.container.id, 'title': options.title }, options.title , options.url);
// Initialize any new links found within document (if enabled).
internal.parseLinks(options.container, options);
// Fire Events
internal.triggerEvent(options.container,'complete', options);
internal.triggerEvent(options.container,'success', options);
// Don't track if page isn't part of history, or if autoAnalytics is disabled
if(options.autoAnalytics && options.history) {
// If autoAnalytics is enabled and a Google analytics tracker is detected push
// a trackPageView, so PJAX loaded pages can be tracked successfully.
if(window._gaq) _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
if(window.ga) ga('send', 'pageview', {'page': options.url, 'title': options.title});
// Set new title
// document.title = options.title; // lxx //
// Scroll page to top on new page load
if(options.returnToTop) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
* Request
* Performs AJAX request to page and returns the result..
* @scope private
* @param location. Page to request.
* @param callback. Method to call when a page is loaded.
internal.request = function(location, callback) {
// Create xmlHttpRequest object.
var xmlhttp;
try {
xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
console.log("Unable to create XMLHTTP Request");
// Add state listener.
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ((xmlhttp.readyState === 4) && (xmlhttp.status === 200)) {
// Success, Return HTML
}else if((xmlhttp.readyState === 4) && (xmlhttp.status === 404 || xmlhttp.status === 500)){
// error (return false)
// Secret pjax ?get param so browser doesn't return pjax content from cache when we don't want it to
// Switch between ? and & so as not to break any URL params (Based on change by zmasek https://github.com/zmasek/)
xmlhttp.open("GET", location + ((!/[?&]/.test(location)) ? '?_pjax' : '&_pjax'), true);
// Add headers so things can tell the request is being performed via AJAX.
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-PJAX', 'true'); // PJAX header
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');// Standard AJAX header.
* parseOptions
* Validate and correct options object while connecting up any listeners.
* @scope private
* @param options
* @return false | valid options object
internal.parseOptions = function(options) {
/** Defaults parse options. (if something isn't provided)
* - history: track event to history (on by default, set to off when performing back operation)
* - parseLinksOnload: Enabled by default. Process pages loaded via PJAX and setup PJAX on any links found.
* - smartLoad: Tries to ensure the correct HTML is loaded. If you are certain your back end
* will only return PJAX ready content this can be disabled for a slight performance boost.
* - autoAnalytics: Automatically attempt to log events to Google analytics (if tracker is available)
* - returnToTop: Scroll user back to top of page, when new page is opened by PJAX
* - parseJS: Disabled by default, when enabled PJAX will automatically run returned JavaScript
var defaults = {
"history": true,
"parseLinksOnload": true,
"smartLoad" : true,
"autoAnalytics": true,
"returnToTop": true,
"parseJS": false
// Ensure a URL and container have been provided.
if(typeof options.url === 'undefined' || typeof options.container === 'undefined' || options.container === null) {
console.log("URL and Container must be provided.");
return false;
// Check required options are defined, if not, use default
for(var o in defaults) {
if(typeof options[o] === 'undefined') options[o] = defaults[o];
// Ensure history setting is a boolean.
options.history = (options.history === false) ? false : true;
// Get container (if its an id, convert it to a DOM node.)
options.container = internal.get_container_node(options.container);
// Events
var events = ['ready', 'beforeSend', 'complete', 'error', 'success'];
// If everything went okay thus far, connect up listeners
for(var e in events){
var evt = events[e];
if(typeof options[evt] === 'function'){
internal.addEvent(options.container, evt, options[evt]);
// Return valid options
return options;
* get_container_node
* Returns container node
* lxx
* @param container - (string) container ID | container DOM node.
* @return container DOM node | false
internal.get_container_node = function(container) {
if(typeof container === 'string') {
container = document.getElementById(container);
if(container === null){
// console.log("Could not find container with id:" + container);
container = document.body; // not find container and default = body
return container;
* connect
* Attach links to PJAX handlers.
* @scope public
* Can be called in 3 ways.
* Calling as connect();
* Will look for links with the data-pjax attribute.
* Calling as connect(container_id)
* Will try to attach to all links, using the container_id as the target.
* Calling as connect(container_id, class_name)
* Will try to attach any links with the given class name, using container_id as the target.
* Calling as connect({
* 'url':'somepage.php',
* 'container':'somecontainer',
* 'beforeSend': function(){console.log("sending");}
* })
* Will use the provided JSON to configure the script in full (including callbacks)
this.connect = function(/* options */) {
// connect();
var options = {};
// connect(container, class_to_apply_to)
if(arguments.length === 2){
options.container = arguments[0];
options.useClass = arguments[1];
// Either JSON or container id
if(arguments.length === 1){
if(typeof arguments[0] === 'string' ) {
options.container = arguments[0];
//Else connect({url:'', container: ''});
options = arguments[0];
// Delete history and title if provided. These options should only be provided via invoke();
delete options.title;
delete options.history;
internal.options = options;
if(document.readyState === 'complete') {
internal.parseLinks(document, options);
} else {
//Don't run until the window is ready.
internal.addEvent(window, 'load', function(){
//Parse links using specified options
internal.parseLinks(document, options);
* invoke
* Directly invoke a pjax page load.
* invoke({url: 'file.php', 'container':'content'});
* @scope public
* @param options
this.invoke = function(/* options */) {
var options = {};
// url, container
if(arguments.length === 2){
options.url = arguments[0];
options.container = arguments[1];
options = arguments[0];
// Process options
options = internal.parseOptions(options);
// If everything went okay, activate pjax.
if(options !== false) internal.handle(options);
// Make object usable
var pjax_obj = this;
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// Register pjax as AMD module
define( function() {
return pjax_obj;
// Make PJAX object accessible in global name space
window.pjax = pjax_obj;