T2080RDB-PC vxworks 6.9 BSP 免费下载
What were the MAJOR changes from the T2080RDB-PA to the T2080RDB-PC?
I'm trying to get the VxWorks 6.9 bootrom to launch with no luck.
The target.ref indicates that the BSP was tested on the T2080RDB-PA (Rev A). I have a Rev C RDB.
Are there any memory mapping or major changes that might lead to this BSP totally malfunctioning?
Sorry, there was a typo in my previous response.
Corrected statement is:
T2080RDB-PB also has silicon 1.0.
Major details of the RDB revisions:
PA = rev. 1.0 Si, did not support SRIOV on PCIe controller assigned to the gold fingers; SDK 1.5 ; CPU = 1.533GHz; DDR=1.6GHz
PB = rev. 1.0 Si, relayed out board to route SRIOV enable PCIe controller to gold finger; SDK 1.6 ; CPU=1.533GHz; DDR=1.6GHz
PC = rev 1.1 Si. Latest SDK 1.7 ; CPU=1.8GHz ; DDR=1.867GHz
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