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Eat That Frog


Eat that Frog–21 Great Ways to stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

Clarity is the most importmant concept in person producitivity. The number one reason why some people get more work done faster is because they are absolutely clear about their goals and objectives and they don’t deviate form them.
A major reason for procastination and lack of motivation is vagueness,confusion and fuzzy mindedness about what you are supposed to do ,and in what order and for what reason. You must avoid this common condition with all your streangth by striving for ever greater clarity in everything you do .
concept 概念 、学说、 观念
procrastinate 拖延 、耽误
procrastination 拖延症
productivity 生产力
absolutyely 绝对地
objective 目标
deviate 偏离
lack 缺乏;不足
motivation 动力
vagueness 模糊 含糊
confusion 混淆,混乱
fuzzy 模糊的
suppose 假设
condition 条件
strength 力量;长处
strive 努力

the number one reason 某事的首要原因
get sth .done 做完某事
be (absolutely) clear about sth 对某事(绝对)的清楚
goals and objectives 目标 和目的
deviate from sth 偏离某事
a major reason for sth 某事的主要原因
lack of sth 缺乏某事
be supposed to do sth 应该做某事
avoid sth with sth 用某种手段避免某事 (的发生)
strive for sth 为某事努力



