<!-- Use the latest version whenever possible. -->
<!-- Note: core-annotations version x.y.0 is generally compatible with
(identical to) version x.y.1, x.y.2, etc. -->
Map<String, Integer> scoreByName = mapper.readValue(jsonSource, Map.class);
//value 直接返回常见类型
Map<String, ResultValue> results = mapper.readValue(jsonSource,
new TypeReference<Map<String, ResultValue>>() { } );
// 返回ResultValue类对象
Map results = mapper.readValue(jsonSource,Map.class);
// 把ResultValue中对象作为键值对HashMap对象,无法进行强转。
TreeModel 比较适合复杂的对象模型中找出需要的值,对象模型比较笨重,需要一个POJO。
// can be read as generic JsonNode, if it can be Object or Array; or,
// if known to be Object, as ObjectNode, if array, ArrayNode etc:
ObjectNode root = mapper.readTree("stuff.json");
String name = root.get("name").asText();
int age = root.get("age").asInt();
// can modify as well: this adds child Object as property 'other', set property 'type'
root.with("other").put("type", "student");
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(root);
// with above, we end up with something like as 'json' String:
// {
// "name" : "Bob", "age" : 13,
// "other" : {
// "type" : "student"
// }
// }
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonFactory f = mapper.getFactory(); // may alternatively construct directly too
// First: write simple JSON output
File jsonFile = new File("test.json");
JsonGenerator g = f.createGenerator(jsonFile);
// write JSON: { "message" : "Hello world!" }
g.writeStringField("message", "Hello world!");
// Second: read file back
JsonParser p = f.createParser(jsonFile);
JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); // Should be JsonToken.START_OBJECT
t = p.nextToken(); // JsonToken.FIELD_NAME
if ((t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) || !"message".equals(p.getCurrentName())) {
// handle error
t = p.nextToken();
if (t != JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
// similarly
String msg = p.getText();
System.out.printf("My message to you is: %s!\n", msg);
// SerializationFeature for changing how JSON is written
// to enable standard indentation ("pretty-printing"):
// to allow serialization of "empty" POJOs (no properties to serialize)
// (without this setting, an exception is thrown in those cases)
// to write java.util.Date, Calendar as number (timestamp):
// DeserializationFeature for changing how JSON is read as POJOs:
// to prevent exception when encountering unknown property:
// to allow coercion of JSON empty String ("") to null Object value:
//change some of low-level JSON parsing
// JsonParser.Feature for configuring parsing settings:
// to allow C/C++ style comments in JSON (non-standard, disabled by default)
// (note: with Jackson 2.5, there is also `mapper.enable(feature)` / `mapper.disable(feature)`)
mapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_COMMENTS, true);
// to allow (non-standard) unquoted field names in JSON:
mapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_UNQUOTED_FIELD_NAMES, true);
// to allow use of apostrophes (single quotes), non standard
mapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES, true);
// JsonGenerator.Feature for configuring low-level JSON generation:
// to force escaping of non-ASCII characters:
mapper.configure(JsonGenerator.Feature.ESCAPE_NON_ASCII, true);
// full set of features: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/wiki/JacksonFeatures
public class MyBean {
private String _name;
// without annotation, we'd get "theName", but we want "name":
public String getTheName() { return _name; }
// note: it is enough to add annotation on just getter OR setter;
// so we can omit it here
public void setTheName(String n) { _name = n; }
// means that if we see "foo" or "bar" in JSON, they will be quietly skipped
// regardless of whether POJO has such properties
@JsonIgnoreProperties({ "foo", "bar" })
public class MyBean
// will not be written as JSON; nor assigned from JSON:
public String internal;
// no annotation, public field is read/written normally
public String external;
public void setCode(int c) { _code = c; }
// note: will also be ignored because setter has annotation!
public int getCode() { return _code; }
public class ReadButDontWriteProps {
private String _name;
@JsonProperty public void setName(String n) { _name = n; }
@JsonIgnore public String getName() { return _name; }
public class CtorBean
public final String name;
public final int age;
@JsonCreator // constructor can be public, private, whatever
private CtorBean(@JsonProperty("name") String name,
@JsonProperty("age") int age)
this.name = name;
this.age = age;