(setq load-path (cons "~/.sawfish/lisp" load-path)) (setq default-font (get-font "-dejavu-dejavu sans mono-medium-o-normal-*")) (defun capture-root-window () "capture root window" (interactive) (system "import -window root shot.png; display shot.png&")) (defun capture-this-window () "capture active window" (interactive) (let ((w (current-event-window))) (when w (display-message (concat "import -window " (prin1-to-string (window-id w)) " window.png")) (system (concat "import -window " (prin1-to-string (window-id w)) " window.png")) (system "display window.png&")))) (defun capture-region () "capture region" (interactive) (let ((process (make-process standard-output) (start-process process "import" "capture.png"))))) (setq docs-menu '(("bash-zh" (system "firefox ~/docs/abs-guide-3.7-cnhtml/HTML/index.html &")) ("sawfish" (system "firefox ~/docs/sawfish/prog-manual.html &")) ("librep" (system "firefox ~/docs/sawfish/librep-manual.html &")) ("learn gnu emacs" (system "okular ~/docs/emacs/Learn_GNU_Emacs.pdf &")) ("emacs manual" (system "firefox ~/docs/emacs/GNU_Emacs_Manual/index.html &")) ("elisp tutorial" (system "okular ~/docs/emacs/elisp_tuto.pdf &")) ("elisp manual" (system "firefox ~/docs/emacs/elisp_manual/Introduction.html &")) ("common lisp manual" (system "firefox ~/docs/emacs/cltl/cltl2.html &")) ("flex" (system "firefox ~/docs/flex/index.html &")) ("bison manual" (system "firefox ~/docs/bison.html &")) ("GNU C Library" (system "firefox ~/docs/glibc-doc-reference/index.html &")) ("socket programming" (system "firefox ~/docs/Sockets_Programming/index.html &")) ("sqlite3-doc" (system "firefox ~/docs/sqlite3-doc/index.html &")) ("sqlite3-doc-pic" (system "firefox ~/docs/sqlite3-doc-pic/index.html &")))) (require 'sawfish.wm.menus) (setq restart-menu '(("确定 yes" (restart)) ("按错 no" (no-operation)))) (setq quit-menu '(("确定 yes" (quit)) ("按错 no" (no-operation)))) (setq capture-menu '(("当前窗口" (capture-this-window)) ("区域" (capture-region)) ("整个屏幕" (capture-root-window)))) (setq main-menu '(("终端 terminal" (system "gnome-terminal &")) ("编辑 Emacs" (system "emacs &")) ("浏览 Firefox" (system "firefox &")) ("备忘 knotes" (system "knotes &")) ("图像 Gqview" (system "gqview &")) ("阅读 PDF" (system "okular &")) ("比较 Meld" (system "meld &")) ("取色 Gcolor2" (system "gcolor2 &")) ("计算 gcalctool" (system "gcalctool &")) ("抓图 capture" (popup-menu capture-menu)) ("文档 document" (popup-menu docs-menu)) ("运行 run" (system "gmrun &"));run-shell-command is also OK () ("上锁 lock" (system "xscreensaver-command -lock &")) ("重启 restart" (popup-menu restart-menu)) ("退出 quit" (popup-menu quit-menu)) )) (bind-keys global-keymap "M-F1" '(popup-menu main-menu)) (bind-keys global-keymap "M-F2" '(system "gmrun &")) (bind-keys global-keymap "M-F3" '(maximize-window-toggle (current-event-window))) (bind-keys global-keymap "M-F4" '(delete-window (current-event-window))) ;; short cuts for xmms ;;(bind-keys global-keymap "Pause" '(wy-run "xmms -u&")) ;;(bind-keys global-keymap "W-KP_Left" '(wy-run "xmms -r&")) ;;(bind-keys global-keymap "W-KP_Right" '(wy-run "xmms -f &")) ;;(bind-keys global-keymap "W-KP_Insert" '(wy-run "xmms -p &")) ;;(bind-keys global-keymap "W-KP_Delete" '(wy-run "xmms -s &")) ;;(bind-keys global-keymap "W-KP_Enter" '(wy-run "xmms -u &")) (define startup-programs '(("gnome-panel") ("xscreensaver" "-no-splash") ("fcitx"))) (mapc (lambda (program) (apply start-process (make-process standard-output) program)) startup-programs) (add-hook 'before-exit-hook (lambda () (mapc stop-process (active-processes)))) ;; jump-or-exec ;; 如果程序在运行,就调到当前桌面,如果没有运行,就运行它。 (require 'jump-or-exec) (bind-keys global-keymap "H--" '(system "aumix -v -4")) (bind-keys global-keymap "H-=" '(system "aumix -v +4")) (bind-keys global-keymap "H-m" '(system "xmms2 play")) ;emacs (bind-keys global-keymap "H-e" `(jump-or-exec "^emacs@" ,(lambda () (system "emacs &")) ,(lambda (wind) (display-window wind)))) ;gnome-terminal (bind-keys global-keymap "H-t" `(jump-or-exec "~" ,(lambda () (system "gnome-terminal &")) ,(lambda (wind) (display-window wind)))) ;firefox (bind-keys global-keymap "H-f" `(jump-or-exec "Iceweasel" ,(lambda () (system "firefox &")) ,(lambda (wind) (display-window wind)))) ; 移动窗口到右上角 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Prior" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) (/ (screen-width) 2) 0 (/ (screen-width) 2) (/ (screen-height) 2))) ; 移动窗口到右下角 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Next" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) (/ (screen-width) 2) (/ (screen-height) 2) (/ (screen-width) 2) (/ (screen-height) 2))) ; 移动窗口到左上角 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Home" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) 0 0 (/ (screen-width) 2) (/ (screen-height) 2))) ; 移动窗口到左下角 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-End" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) 0 (/ (screen-height) 2) (/ (screen-width) 2) (/ (screen-height) 2))) ; 移动窗口到左边 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Left" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) 0 0 (/ (screen-width) 2) (screen-height))) ; 移动窗口到右边 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Right" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) (/ (screen-width) 2) 0 (/ (screen-width) 2) (screen-height))) ; 移动窗口到上边 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Up" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) 0 0 (screen-width) (/ (screen-height) 2))) ; 移动窗口到下边 (bind-keys window-keymap "H-Down" '(move-resize-window-to (current-event-window) 0 (/ (screen-height) 2) (screen-width) (/ (screen-height) 2))) ;;(define (wy-run-shell-command command) ;; "Execute the given shell command." ;; (system (format nil "%s &" command))) ;;(define (wy-run-shell-command command) ;; "Execute the given shell command." ;; (system (format nil "%s &" command))) ;;(define-command 'wy-run-shell-command wy-run-shell-command ;; #:spec "sCommand:" ;; #:type `(and (labelled ,(_ "Command:") string)))
Sawfish (前身是 Sawmill) 是可扩展的 Linux 窗口管理器,使用基于 Lisp 的扩展语言。所有窗口的修饰都是可配置的,并可通过 Lisp 来设置用户接口策略。
配置文件使用的是 JSON 格式。 JSON 中使用的数据结构和变量名对应着 Burp UI 中显示选项。生成配置文件的最简单方法是在 Burp UI 中创建所需的配置,然后保存为配置文件。您还可以手动编辑现有的配置文件,其内容是很容易就可以看懂的。 部分配置文件可以在需要时使用。您可以通过每个子工具选项卡的配置面板上的”选项(Options)”按钮来保存该区域的配置,或者通过从完整配置的文件中删
我不确定我是否很好地理解了Spring概要文件是如何处理yaml和属性文件的。我试图将这两种类型的配置分开(这两个文件不共享任何配置),但在从yaml配置中读取配置文件时遇到了问题。 我的问题是,当我试图(通过xml)配置我的数据源时,这样做: Spring总是使用YAML文件中的最后一个配置,忽略概要文件。我试图通过web.xml中的contex-parameter或直接将活动概要文件传递给JV
目录: 在配置项目yml文件中: 问题: null 客户端YML: 有没有人知道我怎样才能在这两种情况下只带一个配置文件?
Webpack 在执行的时候,除了在命令行传入参数,还可以通过指定的配置文件来执行。默认情况下,会搜索当前目录的 webpack.config.js 文件,这个文件是一个 node.js 模块,返回一个 json 格式的配置信息对象,或者通过 --config 选项来指定配置文件。 继续我们的案例,在根目录创建 package.json 来添加 webpack 需要的依赖: { "name":
本页阐述了Apache服务器的配置文件。 主配置文件 相关模块 相关指令 mod_mime <IfDefine> Include TypesConfig Apache的配置文件是包含若干指令的纯文本文件。主配置文件通常叫httpd.conf ,其位置是编译时确定的,但可以用命令行参数 -f 来改变。另外,还可以用Include指令和通配符附加许多其他配置文件。任何配置文件都可以使用任何指令。只有在
在 Web 开发中配置是一个非常常用的功能,笔者认为没有绝对的零配置,即便是编码也属于配置, 而且编码写入的配置在Java语言中需要重新编码才可修改,而生产环境中去修改代码是很麻烦的一件事。 Blade中配置的概念更加简化,当然即便你不使用配置文件也可以完全保证你的项目正常运行, 但开发程序落地到每位工程师手上就像是魔法一样,保不齐谁会有大胆的想法,我们满足你。 创建配置文件 我们约定在先,创建的