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用flutter支持ios 14和xcode 12


As always, our goal is to make developers successful on Flutter regardless of the platform you’re targeting. Since the announcement of iOS 14 in June, we’ve been working on adding new features to Flutter that support this release, including updates to support Xcode 12, as well as adding new features and improvements to support iOS 14.

与往常一样,我们的目标是使开发人员在Flutter上成功,无论您使用的平台是什么。 自6月发布iOS 14以来,我们一直在努力为Flutter添加支持此版本的新功能,包括对Xcode 12的更新,以及对iOS 14的支持的新功能和改进。

If your iOS 14 app uses TextField, CupertinoTextField, or TextFormField, you’ll want to make sure that it’s built with Flutter 1.20 or later to ensure that your users are not bothered by unnecessary clipboard notification messages, as per Apple’s updated clipboard policy.

如果您的iOS 14应用使用TextFieldCupertinoTextFieldTextFormField ,则需要确保它是使用Flutter 1.20或更高版本构建的,以确保您的用户不会受到不必要的剪贴板通知消息的干扰,这是根据Apple更新的剪贴板政策。

Otherwise, existing production apps will run just fine on your end-users’ iOS 14 devices. However, if you’re upgrading your development phone to iOS 14 today and want to continue to use it with Flutter, you have two choices.

否则,现有的生产应用程序将在最终用户的iOS 14设备上正常运行。 但是,如果您今天要将开发手机升级到iOS 14,并希望继续在Flutter上使用它,则有两种选择。

Your first choice is to use the latest hotfix release of Flutter on the stable channel (1.20.4), which supports development-time deployment to physical iOS 14 devices. Unfortunately, there’s another change that is quite a bit more intrusive (and therefore more risky) which is needed for debugging and hot reload on iOS 14. We’re deferring this fix to our next stable release, which we are planning to release in the next few weeks.

您的首选是在稳定通道(1.20.4)上使用Flutter最新修补程序版本,该版本支持在开发时将部署到物理iOS 14设备上。 不幸的是,在iOS 14上进行调试和热重装需要进行另一项更麻烦(因此更具风险)的更改。我们将此修补程序推迟到我们计划在下一个稳定版本中发布。接下来的几周。

Your second choice is to use the beta for the upcoming Flutter 1.22 that we’ve released today. This release includes more comprehensive support for iOS 14, including updated visuals, app clips, and Xcode 12 support. We’ll share more about its feature set when it is published to the stable channel, but in the meantime we recommend using this beta if you need support for iOS 14 immediately.

您的第二个选择是将Beta用作我们今天发布的即将推出的Flutter 1.22。 此版本包括对iOS 14的更全面支持,包括更新的视觉效果,应用程序剪辑和Xcode 12支持。 当它发布到稳定频道时,我们将分享其功能集的更多信息,但是与此同时,如果您需要立即支持iOS 14,我们建议使用此Beta。

To obtain the Flutter 1.22 beta, use the following commands:

要获取Flutter 1.22 beta,请使用以下命令:

$ flutter channel beta
$ flutter upgrade

In either case, you’ll want to check out the Developing for iOS 14 page for helpful information about targeting iOS 14 with Flutter. If you have any trouble with iOS 14, please file issues on the Flutter repo. If you have any questions, please post them on the flutter-dev group.

无论哪种情况,您都需要查看“针对iOS 14开发”页面,以获取有关使用Flutter定位iOS 14的有用信息。 如果您在iOS 14上遇到任何问题,请在Flutter repo上提交问题。 如有任何疑问,请将其发布在flutter-dev组中

翻译自: https://medium.com/flutter/supporting-ios-14-and-xcode-12-with-flutter-15fe0062e98b
