chrome 75 之后,已经支持 img lazy-load 了,以后可以不用使用js 的库来实现了
// 判断浏览器是否支持
const hasSupport = 'loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype;
document.documentElement.className = hasSupport ? 'pass' : 'fail';
<!-- Lazy-load an offscreen image when the user scrolls near it -->
<img src="unicorn.jpg" loading="lazy" alt=".."/>
<!-- Load an image right away instead of lazy-loading -->
<img src="unicorn.jpg" loading="eager" alt=".."/>
<!-- Browser decides whether or not to lazy-load the image -->
<img src="unicorn.jpg" loading="auto" alt=".."/>
<!-- Lazy-load images in <picture>. <img> is the one driving image
loading so <picture> and srcset fall off of that -->
<source media="(min-width: 40em)" srcset="big.jpg 1x, big-hd.jpg 2x">
<source srcset="small.jpg 1x, small-hd.jpg 2x">
<img src="fallback.jpg" loading="lazy">
<!-- Lazy-load an image that has srcset specified -->
<img src="small.jpg"
srcset="large.jpg 1024w, medium.jpg 640w, small.jpg 320w"
sizes="(min-width: 36em) 33.3vw, 100vw"
alt="A rad wolf" loading="lazy">
<!-- Lazy-load an offscreen iframe when the user scrolls near it -->
<iframe src="video-player.html" loading="lazy"></iframe>