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Handy Notes for 2013 Beijing Perl Workshop


Yesterday I joined Beijing Perl Workshop and met lots of friends again, Joe, Roger, Qiang .... Below are my casual notes for yesterday's sessions. Just put it at here for memory.

Mojolicious Introduction - by 扶凯

Basic function introduction




Enable an option in Perl code.


asyn, Non blocking mysql


mojo get url /info

Ask question:

  1. Client intefaces are compatible with CSS3 Should coresponde with jQuery selector. ...

Session 2: Perl on Fedora by 李瑞彬

General build process


 - perl-{distr -- }
yum install perl-
yum install perl('lwp');...
yum install cpanspec


yum install perl-devel

Perl release Strategy

Fedoral updates Perl in time as well as core moduls

support Perl6 - Rakudo Star

Fedora 19

3D print, SystemTap, OpenShit(Clouding)

Idea: markdown ==> PPT yum list -C perl-*|wc -l

Session3 ElasticSearch

By Argv陈子 from RenRen.com


Search and anylytics engine for the cloud JSON0-orented RESTful APIa Schema Build on Apache lucene

ES for Perler - Extract info to Index-weekly

Mentioned a log tool: http://logstash.net

Logstash originally deved by Ruby, port to Perl5

log too: Kibana1,2,3

Chen's work summarized into CPAN module: message::passing::filter::regexp by Argv.

log visulization: deftermin anomalous metrics

Reference: https://github.com/etsy/skyline https://github.com/etsy/oculus

Useful commands: apt-get install -y git cpanminus virtualbox cpanm Rex git clone https://github.com/chenryn/esdevops cd esdevops rex init --name esdevops

Dancer -- by XX

Mentioned a useful template: ToTo: framework based on bootstrap

Rex - Missed

MogileFS在企业中的应用 by 扶凯(again)

Challege for small/internet startup, const is key for them Dango.com based on GFS Brad Fizapatrik

Mogile Fs is suitable for some internet vedio sites. Scale: xxx T Architecure Trackers Storage nodes: C version is fast and good for large file. most of Distribute FS are not POSIX compatible ?

Yahoo cluster - from US Yahoo six year ...

360 engineer, former RenRen, Yahoo engineer. so 360 and RenRen use this framework pantheon.

130 000 ....

20 people - maintenance

monitor blockneck - IO

cpan -i pantheon

Table driven, use range tool to perform operation to all the nodes

sqlite3 作为table的管理数据库 sudo !!

half poll , half pull

How to update:

ACID: ...


During small talk ,this guy mentioned he applied the way that he did in US Yahoo in operational department in RenRen.com, which improved efficiency dramatically and reduced headcounts to insingle digits in his previous department.

Perl on my work

  1. Testing - Test::More, testcase in Perl package as workload
  2. Diagnosis - Dig infomation from syslog, parse failure log
  3. Automation - Get dataset/file, submit job, autoPuty, FTP/Telnet/SSH/Rlogin
  4. Simplicity - Web interface,

lightening talk

My thinkpad was under low battery condition, so I didn't take any notes for lightening talk.
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