using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using NPoco.DatabaseTypes;
using NPoco.Expressions;
using NPoco.Linq;
namespace NPoco
/// Base class for DatabaseType handlers - provides default/common handling for different database engines
public abstract class DatabaseType
// Helper Properties
public static DatabaseType SqlServer2012 { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType SqlServer2008 { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType SqlServer2005 { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType PostgreSQL { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType Oracle { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType OracleManaged { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType MySQL { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType SQLite { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType SQLCe { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
public static DatabaseType Firebird { get { return Singleton.Instance; } }
readonly Dictionary typeMap;
public DatabaseType()
typeMap = new Dictionary();
typeMap[typeof(byte)] = DbType.Byte;
typeMap[typeof(sbyte)] = DbType.SByte;
typeMap[typeof(short)] = DbType.Int16;
typeMap[typeof(ushort)] = DbType.UInt16;
typeMap[typeof(int)] = DbType.Int32;
typeMap[typeof(uint)] = DbType.UInt32;
typeMap[typeof(long)] = DbType.Int64;
typeMap[typeof(ulong)] = DbType.UInt64;
typeMap[typeof(float)] = DbType.Single;
typeMap[typeof(double)] = DbType.Double;
typeMap[typeof(decimal)] = DbType.Decimal;
typeMap[typeof(bool)] = DbType.Boolean;
typeMap[typeof(string)] = DbType.String;
typeMap[typeof(char)] = DbType.StringFixedLength;
typeMap[typeof(Guid)] = DbType.Guid;
typeMap[typeof(DateTime)] = DbType.DateTime;
typeMap[typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = DbType.DateTimeOffset;
typeMap[typeof(TimeSpan)] = DbType.Time;
typeMap[typeof(byte[])] = DbType.Binary;
typeMap[typeof(byte?)] = DbType.Byte;
typeMap[typeof(sbyte?)] = DbType.SByte;
typeMap[typeof(short?)] = DbType.Int16;
typeMap[typeof(ushort?)] = DbType.UInt16;
typeMap[typeof(int?)] = DbType.Int32;
typeMap[typeof(uint?)] = DbType.UInt32;
typeMap[typeof(long?)] = DbType.Int64;
typeMap[typeof(ulong?)] = DbType.UInt64;
typeMap[typeof(float?)] = DbType.Single;
typeMap[typeof(double?)] = DbType.Double;
typeMap[typeof(decimal?)] = DbType.Decimal;
typeMap[typeof(bool?)] = DbType.Boolean;
typeMap[typeof(char?)] = DbType.StringFixedLength;
typeMap[typeof(Guid?)] = DbType.Guid;
typeMap[typeof(DateTime?)] = DbType.DateTime;
typeMap[typeof(DateTimeOffset?)] = DbType.DateTimeOffset;
typeMap[typeof(TimeSpan?)] = DbType.Time;
typeMap[typeof(Object)] = DbType.Object;
/// Configire the specified type to be mapped to a given db-type
protected void AddTypeMap(Type type, DbType dbType)
typeMap[type] = dbType;
internal const string LinqBinary = "System.Data.Linq.Binary";
public virtual DbType? LookupDbType(Type type, string name)
DbType dbType;
var nullUnderlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type);
if (nullUnderlyingType != null) type = nullUnderlyingType;
if (type.IsEnum && !typeMap.ContainsKey(type))
type = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type);
if (typeMap.TryGetValue(type, out dbType))
return dbType;
if (type.FullName == LinqBinary)
return DbType.Binary;
return null;
/// Returns the prefix used to delimit parameters in SQL query strings.
public virtual string GetParameterPrefix(string connectionString)
return "@";
/// Converts a supplied C# object value into a value suitable for passing to the database
/// The value to convert
/// The converted value
public virtual object MapParameterValue(object value)
// Cast bools to integer
if (value is bool)
return ((bool)value) ? 1 : 0;
// Leave it
return value;
/// Called immediately before a command is executed, allowing for modification of the IDbCommand before it's passed to the database provider
public virtual void PreExecute(IDbCommand cmd)
/// Builds an SQL query suitable for performing page based queries to the database
/// The number of rows that should be skipped by the query
/// The number of rows that should be retruend by the query
/// The original SQL query after being parsed into it's component parts
/// Arguments to any embedded parameters in the SQL query
/// The final SQL query that should be executed.
public virtual string BuildPageQuery(long skip, long take, PagingHelper.SQLParts parts, ref object[] args)
var sql = string.Format("{0}\nLIMIT @{1} OFFSET @{2}", parts.sql, args.Length, args.Length + 1);
args = args.Concat(new object[] { take, skip }).ToArray();
return sql;
public virtual bool UseColumnAliases()
return false;
/// Returns an SQL Statement that can check for the existance of a row in the database.
public virtual string GetExistsSql()
return "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE {1}";
/// Escape a tablename into a suitable format for the associated database provider.
/// The name of the table (as specified by the client program, or as attributes on the associated POCO class.
/// The escaped table name
public virtual string EscapeTableName(string tableName)
// Assume table names with "dot" are already escaped
return tableName.IndexOf('.') >= 0 ? tableName : EscapeSqlIdentifier(tableName);
/// Escape and arbitary SQL identifier into a format suitable for the associated database provider
/// The SQL identifier to be escaped
/// The escaped identifier
public virtual string EscapeSqlIdentifier(string str)
return string.Format("[{0}]", str);
/// Return an SQL expression that can be used to populate the primary key column of an auto-increment column.
/// Table info describing the table
/// An SQL expressions
/// See the Oracle database type for an example of how this method is used.
public virtual string GetAutoIncrementExpression(TableInfo ti)
return null;
/// Returns an SQL expression that can be used to specify the return value of auto incremented columns.
/// The primary key of the row being inserted.
/// An expression describing how to return the new primary key value
/// See the SQLServer database provider for an example of how this method is used.
public virtual string GetInsertOutputClause(string primaryKeyName)
return string.Empty;
/// Performs an Insert operation
/// The calling Database object
/// The insert command to be executed
/// The primary key of the table being inserted into
/// The ID of the newly inserted record
public virtual object ExecuteInsert(Database db, IDbCommand cmd, string primaryKeyName, T poco1, object[] args)
cmd.CommandText += ";\nSELECT @@IDENTITY AS NewID;";
return db.ExecuteScalarHelper(cmd);
public virtual void InsertBulk(IDatabase db, IEnumerable pocos)
foreach (var poco in pocos)
/// Look at the type and provider name being used and instantiate a suitable DatabaseType instance.
public static DatabaseType Resolve(string typeName, string providerName)
// Try using type name first (more reliable)
if (typeName.StartsWith("MySql"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("SqlCe"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("Npgsql") || typeName.StartsWith("PgSql"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("OracleManaged"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("Oracle"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("SQLite"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("SqlConnection"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (typeName.StartsWith("Fb") || typeName.StartsWith("Firebird"))
return Singleton.Instance;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName))
// Try again with provider name
if (providerName.IndexOf("MySql", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
if (providerName.IndexOf("SqlServerCe", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
if (providerName.IndexOf("pgsql", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
if (providerName.IndexOf("Oracle.DataAccess", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
if (providerName.IndexOf("Oracle.ManagedDataAccess", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
if (providerName.IndexOf("SQLite", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
if (providerName.IndexOf("Firebird", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton.Instance;
// Assume SQL Server
return Singleton.Instance;
public virtual string GetDefaultInsertSql(string tableName, string[] names, string[] parameters)
return string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} DEFAULT VALUES", EscapeTableName(tableName));
public virtual IsolationLevel GetDefaultTransactionIsolationLevel()
return IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
public virtual string GetSQLForTransactionLevel(IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
switch (isolationLevel)
case IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted:
case IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted:
case IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead:
case IsolationLevel.Serializable:
case IsolationLevel.Snapshot:
public SqlExpression ExpressionVisitor(IDatabase db)
return ExpressionVisitor(db, false);
public virtual SqlExpression ExpressionVisitor(IDatabase db, bool prefixTableName)
return new DefaultSqlExpression(db, prefixTableName);
public virtual string GetProviderName()
return "System.Data.SqlClient";