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TrustRank in Java(using WebGraph)


TrustRank is a biased PageRank method, which starts from some good seeds to propagate trust. It is very easy to implement based on PageRank.

I implement it in Java using the WebGraph and LAW jar package, following is the code:

* TrustRank implement
package cn.edu.dlut.wisdom;
import it.unimi.dsi.law.rank.PageRank;
import it.unimi.dsi.law.rank.PageRankPowerMethod;
import it.unimi.dsi.law.rank.PageRank.IterationNumberStoppingCriterion;
import it.unimi.dsi.law.rank.PageRank.NormDeltaStoppingCriterion;
import it.unimi.dsi.webgraph.*;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.*;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet;
* @author You Wang
public class TrustRank {
* Graph on which TR will run
private ImmutableGraph g;
* PageRank implementation
private PageRankPowerMethod pr;
* to be used as stopping criterion
private double threshold = PageRank.DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;
* number of iteration
private int numberOfIteration = PageRank.DEFAULT_MAX_ITER;
private double alpha = PageRank.DEFAULT_ALPHA;
* @param g Graph on which TR will run
public TrustRank(ImmutableGraph g) {
this.g = g;
pr = new PageRankPowerMethod(g);
public void setThreshold(double t) {
threshold = t;
public void setAlpha(double alpha) {
this.alpha = alpha;
public void setIteration(int n) {
numberOfIteration = n;
public double[] getRank() {
return pr.rank;
* set the biased good seeds
* @param seeds
public void setGoodSeeds(IntSet seeds) {
int numNodes = g.numNodes();
double[] arr = new double[numNodes];
int seedSize = seeds.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
if (seeds.contains(i))
arr[i] = 1/seedSize;
pr.start = DoubleArrayList.wrap(arr);
* compute the TR scores
* @throws Exception
public void compute() throws Exception {
pr.alpha = alpha;
pr.stepUntil(PageRank.or(new NormDeltaStoppingCriterion(threshold),
new IterationNumberStoppingCriterion(numberOfIteration)));
If you hava any question, please just put a review, or contact me by e-mail. 




