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使用Openpop.Net 组件删除邮件小贴士


由于英文不懂,在使用OpenPop.Net 删除邮件时,发现不能删除,服务器返回的状态信息才显示为 OK

网上搜索,看到官方说,调用 DeleteMessage 方法后,需要显示的 调用 Disconnect 方法。服务器才会执行删除操作。



It must be pointed out that it is important to call the Disconnect() method. If this is not done, the message will not be deleted
The POP3 protocol specifies that emails are only marked as deleted, and a special QUIT command must be sent to commit the changes, actually deleting the message at that point.
The Dispose() method of the Pop3Client does not send this QUIT command, since it of course does not know if that is intended.

