Manifold Learning



Copied from


ISOMAP and related

LLE and related

  • H. Chang, D.Y. Yeung, Y. Xiong. Super-resolution through neighbor embedding.Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), vol.1, pp.275-282, Washington, DC, USA, 27 June - 2 July 2004. (PDF)
  • D. de Ridder and M. Loog and M.J.T. Reinders. Local Fisher embedding. Proc. 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2004), 2004.
  • L. K. Saul and S. T. Roweis. Think Globally, Fit Locally: Unsupervised Learning of Low Dimensional Manifolds.
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, v4, pp. 119-155, 2003.
  • Zhenyue Zhang and Hongyuan Zha. Local Linear Smoothing for Nonlinear Manifold Learning . CSE-03-003, Technical Report, CSE, Penn State Univ., 2003.
  • de Ritter D, Kouropteva O, Okun O, Pietikäinen M & Duin RPW.Supervised locally linear embedding.Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing, ICANN/ICONIP 2003 Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2714, Springer, 333-341.
  • Kouropteva O, Okun O & Pietikäinen M (2003) Classification of handwritten digits using supervised locally linear embedding algorithm and support vector machine. Proc. of the 11th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'2003), April 23-25, Bruges, Belgium, 229-234. Full paper
  • Hadid A & Pietikäinen M (2003). Efficient locally linear embeddings of imperfect manifolds.Proc. Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2734, Springer, 188-201
  • Kouropteva O, Okun O, Hadid A, Soriano M, Marcos S & Pietikäinen M (2002) Beyond Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm. Technical Report MVG-01-2002, University of Oulu, Machine Vision Group, Information Processing Laboratory, 49 p. Full paper
  • D. De Ridder and Duin, R.P.W. Locally linear embedding for classification, Technical report PH-2002-01, Pattern Recognition Group, Dept. of Imaging Science & Technology, Delft University of Technology, pp. 1-15, 2002.
  • Kouropteva O, Okun O & Pietikäinen M (2002) Selection of the optimal parameter value for the locally linear embedding algorithm. Proc. of the 1 st  International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'02), November 18-22, Singapore, 359-363. Full paper
  • P. Perona and M. Polito. Grouping and dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding. Neural Information Processing Systems 14 (NIPS'2001).
  • D. DeCoste. Visualizing Mercer Kernel Feature Spaces Via Kernelized Locally-Linear Embeddings.The 8th International Conference on Neural Information Processing(ICONIP2001), November 2001.
  • S. T. Roweis and L. K. Saul. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding . Science, vol. 290, pp. 2323--2326, 2000.

Laplacian Eigenmap and other related

See also graph spectral methods.

Principal curves

Note: The site by K¨¦gl is probably a better resource on principal curves.

  • B. K¨¦gl , A. Krzyzak. Piecewise linear skeletonization using principal curves.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 59-74, 2002.PDF ( Java implementation )
  • B. K¨¦gl, A. Krzyzak, T. Linder, K. Zeger. Learning and design of principal curves. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 281-297, 2000.IEEE Xplore
  • R. Tibshirani. Principal curves revisited. Statistics and Computing , vol 2, pp. 183--190, 1992
  • T. Hastie and W. Stuetzle. Principal curves. Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol 84, pp. 502--516, 1989
  • J.J. Verbeek, N. Vlassis, B. Krose A soft k-Segments Algorithm for Principal Curves . Proc. Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 2001.
  • A. Smola, R. C. Williamson, S. Mika, and B. Scholkopf. Regularized principal manifolds . In Computational Learning Theory: 4th European Conference, volume 1572 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 214 -- 229. Springer, 1999.


Common issues

Estimating intrinsic dimensionality

SOM and related

Miscellaneous methods




Lecture on manifold learning by Roweis

"Isomap: a global geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction"by Vin de Silva

NIPS workshop talk by Carrie Grimes

ISOMAP & Image articulation by Carrie Grimes

Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction: The Isomap and Locally Linear Embedding Algorithm , presented by Kristin Branson

Computer examples (of ISOMAP)

Workshop of spectral methods in dimensionality reduction, clustering, and classification in NIPS 2002

Workshop website

  • Generative models implicit in spectral methods for manifold learning, by Vin de Silva and Joshua B. tenenbaum
  • Mathematical Foundations for Learning Image Manifolds Using ISOMAP and LLE, by Carrie Grimes and David Donoho (relatedurl )
  • The role of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator in Learning on Manifolds, by Mikhail Belkin and Partha Niyogi
  • Charting a manifold, by Matthew Brand
  • Automatic Alignment of Hidden Representations, by Yee Whye Teh and Sam T. Roweis
  • Convex Invariance Learning , by Tony Jebara
  • Laplacians, Spectra, and Kernels, by John Lafferty
  • Regularization for Continuous Data and Graphs, by Alex Smola
  • Generative Models of Affinity Matrices, by Romer Rosales and Brendan Frey
  • How Many Clusters? The Markov Random Walk Perspective, by Marina Meila
  • Also, Schoelkopf gave an improvised talk during the kernel workshop next day on the relationship between LLE and kernel PCA


Some MDS matlab code

MDS site
Laplacian eigenmap software

VisuMap, a visualizer for high dimensional data (technical info) (paper)

Other resource page

Penn Dimensionality Reduction Reading Group

Dimensionality Reduction 

Manifold Learning


The following people have contributed to this page since 2005. I have also received help from other people before 2005, but I did not keep track of their names and thus I cannot express my gratitude here. Sorry!

  • Dr. Laskaris Nikos from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

This page is (always!) under construction. Any suggestion is appreciated. Please reach me .



