数据源类型。必须选项,无默认值。 可用的类型包括 mysql
, pgsql
, mssql
, xmlpipe
and xmlpipe2
, odbc
, pgsql
, mssql
最简单的情形下,Sphinx与MySQL或PostgreSQL服务器安装在同一台主机上,此时您只须设置为localhost即可。注意,MySQL客户端库根据主机名决定是通过TCP/IP还是UNIX socket连接到服务器。一般来说,“localhost”使之强制使用UNIX socket连接(这是默认的也是推荐的模式),而“127.0.01”会强制使用TCP/IP。细节请参考 MySQL manual
, pgsql
, mssql
连接到SQL数据源之后使用的SQL数据库,此后的查询均在此数据库上进行。必须选项,无默认值。 仅适用于SQL数据源(mysql
, pgsql
, mssql
连接到本地SQL服务器时使用的UNIX socket名称。可选选项,默认值为空(使用客户端库的默认设置)。 仅适用于SQL数据源(mysql
, pgsql
, mssql
。 而在FreeBSD上通常是/tmp/mysql.sock
sql_sock = /tmp/mysql.sock
MySQL客户端的连接标志(connection flags)。可选选项,默认值为0(不设置任何标志)。仅适用于mysql
此选项必须包含各标志相加所得的整型值。此整数将被原样传递给mysql_real_connect() 。 可用的标志在mysql_com.h中列举。下面列举的是几个与索引相关的标志和它们的值:
mysql_connect_flags = 32 # 启用压缩
mysql_ssl_cert = /etc/ssl/client-cert.pem mysql_ssl_key = /etc/ssl/client-key.pem mysql_ssl_ca = /etc/ssl/cacert.pem
要连接的ODBC DSN。必须选项,没有默认值。 仅适用于odbc
DBC DSN(数据源名字,Data Source Name)指定了连接ODBC数据源时使用的认证选项(主机地址,用户名,密码等)。具体的格式与ODBC的具体驱动有关。
odbc_dsn = Driver={Oracle ODBC Driver};Dbq=myDBName;Uid=myUsername;Pwd=myPassword
索引数据获取前执行的查询(pre-fetch query),或预查询(pre-query)。多值选项,可选选项,默认为一个空的查询列表。 仅适用于SQL数据源(mysql
, pgsql
, mssql
也许预查询最常用的一个应用就是用来指定服务器返回行时使用的字符编码。这必须与Sphinx期待的编码相同(在charset_type 和charset_table 选项中设置)。以下是两个与MySQL有关的设置示例:
sql_query_pre = SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=cp1251 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
对于MySQL数据源,在预查询中禁用查询缓冲(query cache)(仅对indexer连接)是有用的,因为索引查询一般并会频繁地重新运行,缓冲它们的结果是没有意义的。这可以按如下方法实现:
sql_query_pre = SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 sql_query_pre = SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF
获取即将索引的文档(数据)的主查询。必须的选项,无默认选项。 仅适用于SQL数据源(mysql
, pgsql
, mssql
sql_query = \ SELECT id, group_id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_added) AS date_added, \ title, content \ FROM documents
连接/有效载荷字段获取查询。 多值选项,可选,默认值为空。 仅对SQL数据源有效 (mysql
, pgsql
, mssql
) .
sql_joined_field = FIELD-NAME 'from' ( 'query' | 'payload-query' ); \ QUERY [ ; RANGE-QUERY ]
Joined fields let you avoid JOIN and/or GROUP_CONCAT statements in the main document fetch query (sql_query). This can be useful when SQL-side JOIN is slow, or needs to be offloaded on Sphinx side, or simply to emulate MySQL-specific GROUP_CONCAT funcionality in case your database server does not support it.
The query must return exactly 2 columns: document ID, and text to append to a joined field. Document IDs can be duplicate, but they must be in ascending order. All the text rows fetched for a given ID will be concatented together, and the concatenation result will be indexed as the entire contents of a joined field. Rows will be concatenated in the order returned from the query, and separating whitespace will be inserted between them. For instance, if joined field query returns the following rows:
( 1, 'red' ) ( 1, 'right' ) ( 1, 'hand' ) ( 2, 'mysql' ) ( 2, 'sphinx' )
then the indexing results would be equivalent to that of adding a new text field with a value of 'red right hand' to document 1 and 'mysql sphinx' to document 2.
Joined fields are only indexed differently. There are no other differences between joined fields and regular text fields.
Starting with 2.0.1-beta, ranged queries can be used when a single query is not efficient enough or does not work because of the database driver limitations. It works similar to the ranged queries in the main indexing loop, 参见 第 3.7 节 “区段查询”. The range will be queried for and fetched upfront once, then multiple queries with different$start
and $end
substitutions will be run to fetch the actual data.
Payloads let you create a special field in which, instead of keyword positions, so-called user payloads are stored. Payloads are custom integer values attached to every keyword. They can then be used in search time to affect the ranking.
The payload query must return exactly 3 columns: document ID; keyword; and integer payload value. Document IDs can be duplicate, but they must be in ascending order. Payloads must be unsigned integers within 24-bit range, ie. from 0 to 16777215. For reference, payloads are currently internally stored as in-field keyword positions, but that is not guaranteed and might change in the future.
Currently, the only method to account for payloads is to use SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25 ranker. On indexes with payload fields, it will automatically switch to a variant that matches keywords in those fields, computes a sum of matched payloads multiplied by field wieghts, and adds that sum to the final rank.
sql_joined_field = \ tagstext from query; \ SELECT docid, CONCAT('tag',tagid) FROM tags ORDER BY docid ASC