使用JQuery TreeTable插件



 1.设置jquery 调用是用 $jq。 Treetable插件 depends on jquery.插件用(function($){})(jQuery),加载完后直接执行。It still works without any changes!



Dev progress:

1.First, we would like to add a bold border per package in order to empesize it!

But new table’s <tr> column can notalign to outer or its before table’s <tr><td> design!

2.Found it is ok to use <div> to form the table. But not easy for me to do. (display:inline). Not know how to put two line in a div. like this:


How to use the plugin:

      just need to add "data-tt-id" and "data-tt-parent-id" into <tr>!!!  And the plugin will do the others!



Temple Code Resource:



Other important acknowledge:

http://www.jb51.net/article/42816.htm  jQuery中$.fn的用法示例介绍




other confuse:http://www.jb51.net/article/42750.htm

jquery$.fn $.fx是什么意思有什么用


other UI reference: Tree Menu:http://www.17sucai.com/pins/demoshow/5209  






Submitted Code :


