Ubunt Server 12.04 LTS beta2新特性及已知问题清单


马上就要发布Ubuntu Server12.04 LTS了,今天看了官方关于beta2 server目前的特性和已知问题的描述。引自:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta2

Ubuntu Server


  • 12.04 Beta 2 is shipping the latest milestones of OpenStack Essex, which is currently at RC1 state.  The alignment of the development cycles will mean that 12.04 Final will include the Essex Final release, due April 5th.

  • Openstack component, Keystone is a new, from scratch rewrite this cycle, replacing the existing upstream source from Oneiric / 11.10.
  • Zentyal packaging available in Universe. (928501)

    • These packages are a rename of the existing ebox packages along with a new upstream release fixing known issues in current ebox packages on precise. 

  • Chef 0.8.16 (948437) and corresponding Ohai packages (948438) removed from precise at the request of OpsCode.

  • Hadoop charm refoctored to be one charm instead of two based on BigTop packaging.

  • acpid introduced to both Server and Cloud images by default.
  • Made improvements to machine deployment orchestration.
  • OpenMPI 1.5 for ARM available in Universe. (889644)

    • openmpi 1.5 introduces ARM support. As this is an upstream beta, we have not transitioned openmpi in the archive, but instead added a separate openmpi1.5 package for those who wish to use it.

  • KVM, the virtualization solution, is now at version 1.0.  It additionally has nested KVM enabled by default for x86, allowing virtualisation experience within cloud instances.  

Known issues

Ubuntu Server


  • Squid Proxy update from 2.7 to 3.19 fails as config file has moved, and features in 2.7 not available in 3.x (924739)

  • OpenStack: DB migration failing when upgrading glance - trying to create existing tables (883988)

  • OpenStack: Nova API does not listen on IPv6 (850443)

  • OpenStack: Nova + glance services die if started before db is reachable (959426)

  • OpenStack: A bad AMI can hang an entire compute node (960276)

  • OpenStack: Nova API does not listen on IPv6 (850443)

  • OpenStack: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/www/.novaclient' (959262)

