adblock plus_什么是Adblock Plus? ABP代表什么?


adblock plus

ABP:Adblock Plus (ABP: Adblock Plus)

Adblock Plus (ABP) is an open-source browser extension for content-filtering and ad blocking may be supplemented to any of the most significant web browsers. It is created and developed by Eyeo GmbH (Wladimir Palant), a German software development company.

Adblock Plus(ABP)是一个开放源代码的浏览器扩展程序,用于内容过滤,广告拦截功能可以补充到任何最重要的Web浏览器中。 它由德国软件开发公司Eyeo GmbH(弗拉基米尔·帕randint)创建和开发。

The extension has been launched for the list of browsers, which comprises:


  • Mozilla Firefox (comprising Firefox for mobile)

    Mozilla Firefox(包括移动版Firefox)

  • Google Chrome


  • Internet Explorer


  • Microsoft Edge (beta version)

    Microsoft Edge(测试版)

  • Opera


  • Safari


  • Yandex Browser


  • Android


In 2011, AdBlock Plus and Eyeo involved in substantial controversy from its users when it launched an "Acceptable Ads" program to "allow certain non-intrusive ads" (such as Google AdWords) to be enabled (whitelisted) under the extension's default settings. Whitelisting of ads allowed through this program was allowed by default for AdBlock Plus users.

2011年, AdBlock PlusEyeo发起了一个“可接受的广告”程序,以“允许某些非侵入性广告”(例如Google AdWords)在扩展程序的默认设置下启用(列入白名单),从而引起了用户的极大争议。 默认情况下,AdBlock Plus用户将通过此程序允许的广告列入白名单。

历史数据数据信息 (History and Data figures information)

Michael McDonald formed Adblock Plus 0.5, which enhanced the original Adblock by integrating the given mentioned following features:

迈克尔·麦克唐纳(Michael McDonald)创立了Adblock Plus 0.5,通过集成以下提到的功能增强了原始的Adblock:

  • Whitelisting


  • Support for blocking background images


  • Subscription to filters with a permanent address and involuntary updates


  • The facility to put out of sight HTML components, enabling a large range of images to be blocked


  • The facility to put out of sight ads on a per-site basis, rather than worldwide


  • Memory leak fixes


  • Enhancement to the user interface




  • In January 2006, McDonald put an end to the development and reassigned the name to Wladimir Palant, who launched Adblock Plus 0.6 with a modified codebase.

    2006年1月,麦当劳终止了开发工作,并将名称重新分配给弗拉基米尔·帕randint(Wladimir Palant),后者以修改后的代码库推出了Adblock Plus 0.6。

  • PC World selected Adblock Plus as one of the 100 best products of 2007, featuring in at 95.

    《 PC World》将Adblock Plus评选为2007年100佳产品之一,其中以95入榜。

  • As of December 2010, Adblock Plus has been accessible for Google Chrome and has over 10 million users. As of December 2017, it has also turned out to be the well-accepted extension for Firefox, with around 14 million users.

    截至2010年12月,Adblock Plus已可用于Google Chrome浏览器,拥有超过1000万用户。 截至2017年12月,它也已成为广受认可的Firefox扩展,拥有约1400万用户。

  • In November 2012, Adblock Plus was launched as an app for Android devices.

    2012年11月,Adblock Plus作为适用于Android设备的应用推出。

  • On March 3, 2013, the Android app was taken off from the Google Play Store alongside related ad-blocking apps.

    2013年3月3日,Android应用与相关的广告拦截应用一起从Google Play商店中撤出。

  • As of August 2013, Adblock Plus has been accessible for Internet Explorer.

    自2013年8月起,Internet Explorer即可访问Adblock Plus。

  • As of January 2014 and December 2014, Adblock Plus has been accessible for Safari and Yandex Browser.

    从2014年1月到2014年12月,Safari和Yandex Browser均可使用Adblock Plus。

  • In May 2015, An Adblock Plus browser beta version was launched called the "Adblock Browser".

    2015年5月,发布了一个名为“ Adblock Browser”的Adblock Plus浏览器beta版。

  • On September 7, 2015, Adblock Browser 1.0 was launched, based on Firefox for mobile.

    2015年9月7日,基于移动版Firefox推出了Adblock Browser 1.0。


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