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mysql 调用js函数_javascript – MySQL在JS函数中选择结果




if (lastUserMessage === 'name') {

botMessage = 'My name is ' + botName;





nlp = window.nlp_compromise;

var messages = [], //array that hold the record of each string in chat

lastUserMessage = "", //keeps track of the most recent input string from the user

botMessage = "", //var keeps track of what the chatbot is going to say

botName = 'Bot Name', //name of the chatbot

talking = true; //when false the speach function doesn't work

//edit this function to change what the chatbot says

function chatbotResponse() {

talking = true;

botMessage = "Ops... didn't get this"; //the default message

if (lastUserMessage === 'name') {

botMessage = 'My name is ' + botName;



//this runs each time enter is pressed.

//It controls the overall input and output

function newEntry() {

//if the message from the user isn't empty then run

if (document.getElementById("chatbox").value != "") {

//pulls the value from the chatbox ands sets it to lastUserMessage

lastUserMessage = document.getElementById("chatbox").value;

//sets the chat box to be clear

document.getElementById("chatbox").value = "";

//adds the value of the chatbox to the array messages


//Speech(lastUserMessage); //says what the user typed outloud

//sets the variable botMessage in response to lastUserMessage


//add the chatbot's name and message to the array messages

messages.push("" + botName + ": " + botMessage);

// says the message using the text to speech function written below


//outputs the last few array elements of messages to html

for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {

if (messages[messages.length - i])

document.getElementById("chatlog" + i).innerHTML = messages[messages.length - i];




//runs the keypress() function when a key is pressed

document.onkeypress = keyPress;

//if the key pressed is 'enter' runs the function newEntry()

function keyPress(e) {

var x = e || window.event;

var key = (x.keyCode || x.which);

if (key == 13 || key == 3) {

//runs this function when enter is pressed



if (key == 38) {


//document.getElementById("chatbox").value = lastUserMessage;



//clears the placeholder text ion the chatbox

//this function is set to run when the users brings focus to the chatbox, by clicking on it

function placeHolder() {

document.getElementById("chatbox").placeholder = "";




Ideally, the script should take the values “lastUserMessage” and

“botMessage” from a db that has 2 columns “lastUserMessage” and



nlp = window.nlp_compromise;

var messages = [], //array that hold the record of each string in chat

lastUserMessage = "", //keeps track of the most recent input string from the user

botMessage = "", //var keeps track of what the chatbot is going to say

botName = 'Bot Name', //name of the chatbot

talking = true; //when false the speach function doesn't work

//edit this function to change what the chatbot says

function chatbotResponse() {

talking = true;

botMessage = "Ops... didn't get this"; //the default message


url: 'db_query.php',

data: "lastUserMessag=lastUserMessag",

dataType: 'json',

success: function(data)


var lastUserMessage_db = data[0];

var botMessage_db= data[1];

if (lastUserMessage === lastUserMessage_db) {

botMessage = botMessage_db;





//this runs each time enter is pressed.

//It controls the overall input and output

function newEntry() {

//if the message from the user isn't empty then run

if (document.getElementById("chatbox").value != "") {

//pulls the value from the chatbox ands sets it to lastUserMessage

lastUserMessage = document.getElementById("chatbox").value;

//sets the chat box to be clear

document.getElementById("chatbox").value = "";

//adds the value of the chatbox to the array messages


//Speech(lastUserMessage); //says what the user typed outloud

//sets the variable botMessage in response to lastUserMessage


//add the chatbot's name and message to the array messages

messages.push("" + botName + ": " + botMessage);

// says the message using the text to speech function written below


//outputs the last few array elements of messages to html

for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {

if (messages[messages.length - i])

document.getElementById("chatlog" + i).innerHTML = messages[messages.length - i];




//runs the keypress() function when a key is pressed

document.onkeypress = keyPress;

//if the key pressed is 'enter' runs the function newEntry()

function keyPress(e) {

var x = e || window.event;

var key = (x.keyCode || x.which);

if (key == 13 || key == 3) {

//runs this function when enter is pressed



if (key == 38) {


//document.getElementById("chatbox").value = lastUserMessage;



//clears the placeholder text ion the chatbox

//this function is set to run when the users brings focus to the chatbox, by clicking on it

function placeHolder() {

document.getElementById("chatbox").placeholder = "";



$p = $_GET['lastUserMessag'];

$query=mysql_query("SELECT lastUserMessag, botMessage FROM `aiml` WHERE lastUserMessag='$p'");

$array = mysql_fetch_row($query);

echo json_encode($array);
