2.使用sphinx php api测试:<?php
require ( "sphinxapi.php" ); //此文件在sphinx源代码的api文件夹中可以找到
$cl = new SphinxClient ();
$q = "weibo";
$sql = "test1";
$mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL;
$host = "localhost";
$port = 9312;
$index = "*";
// $groupby = "";
// $groupsort = "@group desc";
// $filter = "group_id";
// $filtervals = array();
// $distinct = "";
// $sortby = "";
// $sortexpr = "";
// $limit = 20;
// $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
// $select = "";
$cl->SetServer ( $host, $port );
$cl->SetConnectTimeout ( 1 );
$cl->SetArrayResult ( true );
$cl->SetMatchMode ( $mode );
// if ( count($filtervals) ) $cl->SetFilter ( $filter, $filtervals );
// if ( $groupby ) $cl->SetGroupBy ( $groupby, SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, $groupsort );
// if ( $sortby ) $cl->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $sortby );
// if ( $sortexpr ) $cl->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXPR, $sortexpr );
// if ( $distinct ) $cl->SetGroupDistinct ( $distinct );
// if ( $select ) $cl->SetSelect ( $select );
// if ( $limit ) $cl->SetLimits ( 0, $limit, ( $limit>1000 ) ? $limit : 1000 );
//$cl->SetRankingMode ( $ranker );
$res = $cl->Query ( $q, $index );
// print me out
if ( $res===false )
print "Query failed: " . $cl->GetLastError() . ".
} else
if ( $cl->GetLastWarning() )
print "WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning() . "
print "Query '$q' retrieved $res[total] of $res[total_found] matches in $res[time] sec.
print "Query stats:
if ( is_array($res["words"]) )
foreach ( $res["words"] as $word => $info )
print " '$word' found $info[hits] times in $info[docs] documents\n";
print "
if ( is_array($res["matches"]) )
$n = 1;
print "Matches:
foreach ( $res["matches"] as $docinfo )
print "$n. doc_id=$docinfo[id], weight=$docinfo[weight]";
foreach ( $res["attrs"] as $attrname => $attrtype )
$value = $docinfo["attrs"][$attrname];
if ( $attrtype==SPH_ATTR_MULTI || $attrtype==SPH_ATTR_MULTI64 )
$value = "(" . join ( ",", $value ) .")";
} else
if ( $attrtype==SPH_ATTR_TIMESTAMP )
$value = date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s", $value );
print ", $attrname=$value";
print "
打印的结果:Query 'weibo' retrieved 1000 of 3873 matches in 0.001 sec.
Query stats:
'weibo' found 3873 times in 3873 documents
1. doc_id=1, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
2. doc_id=4, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
3. doc_id=5, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
4. doc_id=6, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
5. doc_id=8, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
6. doc_id=9, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
7. doc_id=10, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
8. doc_id=11, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
9. doc_id=12, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
10. doc_id=13, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
11. doc_id=14, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
12. doc_id=15, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
13. doc_id=16, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
14. doc_id=17, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
15. doc_id=18, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
16. doc_id=19, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
17. doc_id=20, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
18. doc_id=21, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
19. doc_id=22, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41
20. doc_id=23, weight=1, import_timestamp=2015-06-26 16:25:41