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hash -- iniparse库


key 为 字符串计算的哈希值算法:

                            Function codes
  @brief    Compute the hash key for a string.
  @param    key     Character string to use for key.
  @return   1 unsigned int on at least 32 bits.

  This hash function has been taken from an Article in Dr Dobbs Journal.
  This is normally a collision-free function, distributing keys evenly.
  The key is stored anyway in the struct so that collision can be avoided
  by comparing the key itself in last resort.
//该算法借鉴Dr Dobbs Journal博士一篇论文使用的算法。 
unsigned dictionary_hash(const char * key)
    size_t      len ;
    unsigned    hash ;
    size_t      i ; 

    if (!key)
        return 0 ; 

    len = strlen(key);
    for (hash=0, i=0 ; i<len ; i++) {
        hash += (unsigned)key[i] ;
        hash += (hash<<10);
        hash ^= (hash>>6) ;
    hash += (hash <<3);
    hash ^= (hash >>11);
    hash += (hash <<15);
    return hash ;