scala 单元测试
Property-based law testing is one of the most powerful tools in the scala ecosystem. In this post, I’ll explain how to use law testing and the value it’ll give you using in-depth code examples.
基于财产的法律测试是scala生态系统中最强大的工具之一。 在这篇文章中,我将通过深入的代码示例来说明如何使用法律测试,以及它将为您带来的价值。
This post is aimed for Scala developers who want to improve their testing knowledge and skills. It assumes some knowledge of Scala, cats, and other functional libraries.
这篇文章面向想要提高测试知识和技能的Scala开发人员。 它假定您对Scala,猫和其他功能库有所了解。
You might be familiar with types which are a set of values (for example Int values are : 1,2,3
… String values are : “John Doe”
您可能熟悉作为一组值的类型(例如,Int值是: 1,2,3
…字符串值是: “John Doe”
So what is a Law? Keep on reading!
那么什么是法律? 继续阅读!
Here is our beloved Person
data type:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
And serialization code using the Play-Json
, a library that allows transforming your Person
type into JSON :
类型转换为JSON :
val personFormat: OFormat[Person] = new OFormat[Person] {
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Person] = {
val name = (json \ "name").as[String]
val age = (json \ "age").as[Int]
JsSuccess(Person(name, age))
override def writes(o: Person): JsObject =
JsObject(Seq("name" -> JsString(,
"age" -> JsNumber(o.age)))
We can now test this serialization function on a specific input like this:
import org.scalatest._
class PersonSerdeSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers {
"should serialize and deserialize a person" in {
val person = Person("John Doe", 32)
val actualPerson =
But, we now need to ask ourselves, whether all people will serialize successfully? What about a person with invalid data (such as negative age)? Will we want to repeat this thought process of finding edge-cases for all our test data?
但是,我们现在需要问自己,是否所有人都会成功进行序列化? 一个数据无效的人(例如负数年龄)怎么办? 我们是否要重复为所有测试数据寻找边缘情况的思考过程?
And most importantly, will this code remain readable over time? (e.g.: changing the person
data type [adding a LastName
field], repeated tests for other data types, etc)
而且最重要的是,随着时间的流逝,此代码是否仍然可读? (例如:更改person
“ We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection”.
The first weapon in our disposal is Property-based testing (PBT). PBT works by defining a property, which is a high-level specification of behavior that should hold for all values of the specific type.
我们使用的第一个武器是基于属性的测试(PBT)。 PBT通过定义属性来工作,该属性是行为的高级规范,应适用于特定类型的所有值。
In our example, the property will be:
Writing this property using scala check looks like this:
使用scala check编写此属性如下所示:
object PersonSerdeSpec extends org.scalacheck.Properties("PersonCodec") {
property("round trip consistency") =
org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll { a: Person =>
The property check requires a way to generate Persons. This is done by using an Arbitrary[Person]
which can be defined like this:
属性检查需要一种生成人员的方法。 这是通过使用Arbitrary[Person]
implicit val personArb: Arbitrary[Person] = Arbitrary {
for {
name <- Gen.alphaStr
age <- Gen.chooseNum(0, 120)
} yield Person(name, age)
Furthermore, we can use “scalacheck-shapeless”
- an amazing library which eliminates (almost) all needs for the verbose (quite messy and highly bug-prone) arbitrary type definition by generating it for us!
This can be done by adding:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.alexarchambault" %% "scalacheck-shapeless_1.14" % "1.2.0"
and importing the following in our code:
import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
And then we can remove the personArb
instance we defined earlier.
实例 我们之前定义的。
Let’s try to abstract further, by defining the laws of our data type:
trait CodecLaws[A, B] {
def serialize: A => B
def deserialize: B => A
def codecRoundTrip(a: A): Boolean = serialize.
andThen(deserialize)(a) == a
This means That given
The types A, B
类型A, B
A function from A to B
从A to B
A function from B to A
从B to A
We define a function called “codecRoundTrip
” which takes an “a: A”
and takes it through the functions and makes sure we get the same value of type A back.
我们定义了一个名为“ codecRoundTrip
”的函数,该函数采用“a: A”
This Law states (without giving away any implementation details), that the roundtrip we do on the given input does not “lose” any information.
该法律规定(不提供任何实现细节 ),我们在给定输入上进行的往返操作不会“丢失”任何信息。
Another way of saying just that is by claiming that our types A and B are isomorphic.
We can abstract even more, by using the cats-laws library with the IsEq
case-class for defining an Equality description.
import cats.laws._
trait CodecLaws[A, B] {
def serialize: A => B
def deserialize: B => A
def codecRoundTrip(a: A): cats.laws.IsEq[A] = serialize.andThen(deserialize)(a) <-> a
/** Represents two values of the same type that are expected to be equal. */
final case class IsEq[A](lhs: A, rhs: A)
What we get from this type and syntax is a description of equality between the two values instead of the equality result like before.
我们从这种类型和语法中得到的是两个值之间相等性的描述 ,而不是像以前一样的相等性结果。
It is time to test the laws we just defined. In order to do that, we will use the “discipline” library.
现在该测试我们刚刚定义的法律了。 为此,我们将使用“ 学科 ”库。
import cats.laws.discipline._
import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Prop }
trait CodecTests[A, B] extends org.typelevel.discipline.Laws {
def laws: CodecLaws[A, B]
def tests(
arbitrary: Arbitrary[A],
eqA: cats.Eq[A]
): RuleSet =
new DefaultRuleSet(
name = name,
parent = None,
"roundTrip" -> Prop.forAll { a: A =>
We define a CodecTest trait that takes 2 type parameters A and B
, which in our example will be Person
and JsResult
我们定义一个CodecTest特征,它接受2个类型参数A and B
The trait holds an instance of the laws and defines a test method that takes an Arbitrary[A]
and an equality checker (of type Eq[A]
) and returns a rule-set
for scalacheck
to run.
Note that no tests actually run here. This gives us the power to run these tests which are defined just once for all the types we want
请注意,此处没有实际运行测试。 这使我们能够运行这些测试,这些测试针对我们想要的所有类型只定义了一次
We can now commit to a specific type and implementation (like Play-Json
serialization) by instantiating a CodecTest
with the proper types.
object JsonCodecTests {
def apply[A: Arbitrary](implicit format: Format[A]): CodecTests[A, JsValue] =
new CodecTests[A, JsValue] {
override def laws: CodecLaws[A, JsValue] =
CodecLaws[A, JsValue](format.reads, format.writes)
But now we get the error:
Error:(11, 38) type mismatch;
found : play.api.libs.json.JsResult[A]
required: A
We expected the types to flow from:
A => B => A
But Play-Json types go from:
A => JsValue => JsResult[A]
This means that our deserialize function can succeed or fail and will not always return an A, but rather a container of A.
In order to abstract over the types, we now need to use the F[_]
type constructor syntax:
trait CodecLaws[F[_],A, B] {
def serialize: A => B
def deserialize: B => F[A]
def codecRoundTrip(a: A)(implicit app:Applicative[F]): IsEq[F[A]] =
serialize.andThen(deserialize)(a) <-> app.pure(a)
The Applicative
instance is used to take a simple value of type A and lift it into the Applicative
context which returns a value of type F[A]
This process is similar to taking some value
and lifting it to anOption
context usingSome(x)
, or in our concrete example taking a valuea:A
and lifting it to theJsResult
type usingJsSuccess(a)
并使用JsSuccess (a)
We can now finish the implementation for CodecTests
and JsonCodecTests
like this:
trait CodecTests[F[_], A, B] extends org.typelevel.discipline.Laws {
def laws: CodecLaws[F, A, B]
def tests(
arbitrary: Arbitrary[A],
eqA: cats.Eq[F[A]],
applicative: Applicative[F]
): RuleSet =
new DefaultRuleSet(
name = name,
parent = None,
"roundTrip" -> Prop.forAll { a: A =>
object JsonCodecTests {
def apply[A: Arbitrary](implicit format: Format[A]): CodecTests[JsResult, A, JsValue] =
new CodecTests[JsResult, A, JsValue] {
override def laws: CodecLaws[JsResult, A, JsValue] =
CodecLaws[JsResult, A, JsValue](format.reads, format.writes)
And to define a working Person
serialization test in 1 line of code:
import JsonCodecSpec.Person
import play.api.libs.json._
import org.scalacheck.ScalacheckShapeless._
import org.scalatest.FunSuiteLike
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.Discipline
class JsonCodecSpec extends Checkers with FunSuiteLike with Discipline {
checkAll("PersonSerdeTests", JsonCodecTests[Person].tests)
We were able to define our tests and laws without giving away any implementation details. This means we can switch to using a different library for serialization tomorrow and all our laws and tests will still hold.
我们能够定义测试和法律,而无需给出任何实施细节。 这意味着我们明天可以切换到使用其他库进行序列化,并且所有法律和测试仍然有效。
We can test this theory by adding support to BSON serialization using the reactive-mongo
我们可以通过使用react reactive-mongo
import cats.Id
import io.bigpanda.laws.serde.{ CodecLaws, CodecTests }
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
import reactivemongo.bson.{ BSONDocument, BSONReader, BSONWriter }
object BsonCodecTests {
def apply[A: Arbitrary](
reader: BSONReader[BSONDocument, A],
writer: BSONWriter[A, BSONDocument]
): CodecTests[Id, A, BSONDocument] =
new CodecTests[Id, A, BSONDocument] {
override def laws: CodecLaws[Id, A, BSONDocument] =
CodecLaws[Id, A, BSONDocument](, writer.write)
override def name: String = "BSON serde tests"
The types here flow from
A => BsonDocument => A
and not F[A]
as we had expected. Luckily for us, we have a solution and use the Id-type to represent just that.
。 对我们来说幸运的是,我们有一个解决方案,并使用Id类型来表示。
And given the (very long) serializer definition:
implicit val personBsonFormat
: BSONReader[BSONDocument, Person] with BSONWriter[Person, BSONDocument] =
new BSONReader[BSONDocument, Person] with BSONWriter[Person, BSONDocument] {
override def read(bson: BSONDocument): Person =
Person(bson.getAs[String]("name").get, bson.getAs[Int]("age").get)
override def write(t: Person): BSONDocument =
BSONDocument("name" ->, "age" -> t.age)
we can now define BsonCodecTests in all its 1 line of logic glory.
class BsonCodecSpec extends Checkers with FunSuiteLike with Discipline {
checkAll("PersonSerdeTests", BsonCodecTests[Person].tests)
Our first test attempt can be described as follows:
∃p:Person,s:OFormat that holds : <-> p
Meaning, for the specific person p(“John Doe”,32)
and for the format s
, the following statement is true: decode(encode(p)) <-
> p.
意思是, for the specific person p(“John Doe”,32)
和for the format s
,以下说法是正确的: decode(encode(p)) <-
> p。
The second attempt (using PBT
) can be:
∃s:OFormat, ∀p:Person the following should hold : <-> p
Which means, for all persons p
and for the specific format s
, the following is true: decode(encode(p))<
这意味着, for all persons p
和for the specific format s
,以下条件是正确的: decode(encode(p))<
-> p。
The third (and most powerful statement thus far) using law testing
使用law testing
∀s:Encoder, ∀p:Person the the following should hold : <-> p
Which means, for all
formats s
, and for all persons p
, the following is true: decode(encode(p))<
这意味着, for all
formats s
和for all persons p
,以下内容均成立: decode(encode(p))<
-> p。
Most of the type level libraries you use (like cats
, circe
and many more) use law testing internally to test their data-types.
, circe
Thank you for reaching this far! I am super excited about finding more abstract and useful laws that I can use in my code! Please let me know about any you’ve used or can think of.
谢谢您达成目标! 我为能在代码中使用更多抽象和有用的法律而感到非常兴奋! 请让我知道您已经使用或想到的任何内容。
More inspiring and detailed content can be found in the cats-laws site or circe.
在cat -laws网站或circe上可以找到更多启发性和详细的内容。
The complete code examples can be found here.
scala 单元测试