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This is jqMVC# - Definition & Summary


Before discussing more, please realize what I’m talking about is not “theoretical research”, but “real successful practice”.


I created the word – “jqMVC#”, which means bunch of things:

  • “j”  means it is about JavaScript;
  • “q” means it is about jQuery & jQuery plugins;
  • “MVC” means it is about MVC pattern;
  • “#” means it is about C#;
  • “j”+”#” means it is about Script#;

Another thing which is not directly represented by the word but implied is TDD in JavaScript but whose code is written in C#.

When all these things come together, it is jqMVC# – a new practical architecture which makes enterprise-level HTML & JavaScript only rich UI development in B/S-architecture application become not only possible, but also as a representative of HTML5 with which we could really say ‘Good bye!’ to Flash & Silverlight even now.


In this summary, I’m trying to talk a little bit more for each of the items I mentioned in previous section to make this architecture look more conceivable.

Firstly, our JavaScript code is written in C# with the help of Script#. Script# could compile C# source code to JavaScript automatically. The biggest benefit here is, even a junior developer who is familiar with C# but only know a little of JavaScript could write huge OO JavaScript code efficiently.

Secondly, the M, V, C classes implementing the MVC pattern in client-side JavaScript are written in C# and are compiled into JavaScript through Script# automatically.

Why MVC?

Two main benefits:

1. Separations of data, controlling and presentation;

2. Easier for unit testing;

In JavaScript, when we implementing MVC pattern,

  • Models are JSON comes from server-side services through AJAX and JSONP communication, which should be under TDD in server-side coding;
  • Controllers are Script# classes focus on the controlling of Models and Views, which should be under TDD in Script# coding;
  • Views are as connectors between pure HTML & JavaScript code and Script# based Models & Controllers code, which should also be under TDD in Script# coding;

Thirdly, jQuery & jQuery plugins are wrapped by Script# together with the Script# predefined libraries as the main tool libraries for client side UI rendering & controlling. Especially, jTemplate is used as the main HTML rendering engine. QUnit is also wrapped by Script# and used as the client-side testing library to implement client-side regression testing which is the core of client-side TDD.

To be continued…

In next post, I’m going to give a simple but runable example and try to convince you why I’m saying “It is time to say ‘Good bye!’ to Flash & Silverlight in RIA” when we are applying jqMVC# architecture.

<script type="text/javascript"> if ($ != jQuery) { $ = jQuery.noConflict(); } </script>