正如您已经观察到的那样,BasicDicomObject是历史 – 与其他一些人一样.
新的“Dicom对象”是属性 – 对象是属性的集合.
在我看来,dcm4che 2.x在处理个别价值表征方面的含糊不清. dcm4che 3.x相当清晰.
迁移需要重写有关查询方式以及如何处理单个标记的代码.另一方面,dcm4che 3.x使新代码更少复杂.
String modality = null;
String accessionNumber = "1234567890";
// HERE follows setup of a query, using an Attributes object
Attributes query = new Attributes();
// Indicate character set
int tag = Tag.SpecificCharacterSet;
VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
query.setString(tag, vr, "ISO_IR 100");
// Study level query
int tag = Tag.QueryRetrieveLevel;
VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
query.setString(tag, vr, "STUDY");
// Accession number
int tag = Tag.AccessionNumber;
VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
query.setString(tag, vr, accessionNumber);
// Optionally filter on modality in study if 'modality' is provided,
// otherwise retrieve modality
int tag = Tag.ModalitiesInStudy;
VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
if (null != modality && modality.length() > 0) {
query.setString(tag, vr, modality);
} else {
query.setNull(tag, vr);
// We are interested in study instance UID
int tag = Tag.StudyInstanceUID;
VR vr = ElementDictionary.vrOf(tag, query.getPrivateCreator(tag));
query.setNull(tag, vr);
// Do the actual query, needing an AppliationEntity (ae),
// a local (local) and remote (remote) Connection, and
// an AAssociateRQ (rq) set up earlier.
// 1) Open a connection to the SCP
Association as = ae.connect(local, remote, rq);
// 2) Query
int priority = 0x0002; // low for the sake of demo :)
as.cfind(UID.StudyRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelFIND, query, null,
new DimseRSPHandler(as.nextMessageID()) {
public void onDimseRSP(Association assoc, Attributes cmd,
Attributes response) {
super.onDimseRSP(assoc, cmd, response);
int status = cmd.getInt(Tag.Status, -1);
if (Status.isPending(status)) {
// HERE follows handling of the response, which
// is just another Attributes object
String studyInstanceUID = response.getString(Tag.StudyInstanceUID);
// etc...
// 3) Close the connection to the SCP
if (as != null && as.isReadyForDataTransfer()) {
as = null;