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How To MakeUp With Your Girlfriend After A Fight


How To MakeUp With Your Girlfriend After A Fight

By Dr. George Karanastasis, from http://www.thebreakupblog.com

There youare… you’re having a peaceful moment with your girlfriend engaging inmeaningless conversation about an equally senseless issue when it comes out ofnowhere to blindside you both: a fight so nasty that, after several rounds
of back-and-forth bickering, sends the two of you to your respective corners…banged up and badly bruised.

At first, your ego stands tall fueled by the fury of the recent event.There’s no way in hell you’re taking that initial step toward a resolution, youthink to yourself. But like all matters involving conflict, time lends itshealing hand here as well and before you know it… you’re feeling calm yetoverwhelmed with guilt.

You want to make up with her but you’re clueless as to how you shouldproceed. You’re embarrassed and at a loss for words because deep down you knowthat saying “sorry” just ain’t gonna cut it.

So, if you’re finding yourself in this all-too-common situation let meoffer you a simple approach that, when followed, virtually guarantees a swiftrecovery and you’ll soon be chalking up this fight to nothing more than a faintmemory of the past.

It all boils down to 3 steps, so here they are…

Step 1: Make Your Apology Count…

Do this by meeting her in person to say you’re sorry. But before you runoff to see her, take some time to put a written apology on a card as well.You’ll be giving this to her when you get together, but only after you’veverbally expressed your thoughts.

This order of events is crucial. Why? Because too many “men” hide behindtheir keyboards when it comes to saying sorry. They send off a half-baked emailto their girlfriends in order to avoid the personal encounter. It takes guts toraise your hand and admit you’re wrong. She knows this and will not onlyappreciate the sincerity of your gesture, but she’ll take your willingness tomake up that much more seriously.

Now, here’s where that well written apology card comes in…

Even if your girlfriend flat-out rejects your attempt to make up becauseshe’s still fuming from the fight, she’ll have your words to read oversomewhere down the road when in a better mood. This “two-pronged approach”ensures that she takes what you have to say to heart.

Step 2: Take All The Heat If You Must… At Least Initially

If you’re looking for a quick resolve with this girl then you have toapproach her with tact and take on full blame for the fight. Forget about yourego and swallow your pride. Any logical arguments you might want to bring up asto why you’re not entirely to blame you’ll have to save for later. There’s atime and place for this but the initial meeting where you’ll be apologizing isnot one of them.

But don’t worry… you’ll get the chance to put your word in soon enough. Itwon’t be long before she calms down and is receptive to hearing what you haveto say in your defense. And when that moment comes, you can be sure that she’llbe agreeing with most of it. Because if you’ve done everything right up untilnow, she’ll be feeling the weight of her own guilt as well. But this won’thappen unless you bite the bullet first!

Step 3: Back Off And Let Her Make The Next Move…

Depending on the relationship and the seriousness of the fight this stepmight not be necessary. She might accept your apology from the get go and youcan put this fight behind you. However, I’ve included it here to cover allpossible ways this scenario can play itself out.

If your girlfriend doesn’t immediately make up with you after apologizingor even taking the full blame for the fight, your next move is to back off andlet her know that you’ll wait for her to get in touch whenever she feels ready.

Under no circumstances should you push for a resolve. There’s nothing morecounter-productive than trying to persuade an angry woman for a second chance…especially if she’s not ready to give it to you.

However, rest assured that, in time, she will forgive andforget. And if you’ve followed the instructions in here to the letter, she’llalso reward you in her own way for handling this fight in a mature fashion (letyour imagination run wild with the latter ;)).

In conclusion, while this fight with your girlfriend may seem like the endof the world (with no possibility of coming to a resolution), rest assured thatby taking a stepwise and calculated approach, this too will come to pass. Andwhen it does, you’ll be happy to find yourself back where you started: enjoyingthe peaceful times with the girl you love.




