define ('NUSOAP_PATH', dirname(FILE) . '/nusoap');
define ('MSN_API_KEY', 'Insert here your default MSN API key');
define ('MSN_API_ENDPOINT', '');
define ('MSN_API_NAMESPACE', '');
require_once(NUSOAP_PATH . '/nusoap.php');
class MSNWebSearch
var $apiKey;
var $filterAdult;
var $languages;
var $page;
var $pages;
var $query;
var $records;
var $recordsPerPage;
function & MSNWebSearch($apiKey = null)
$this->apiKey = isset($apiKey) ? $apiKey : MSN_API_KEY;
$this->filterAdult = false;
$this->languages = 'en-US';
$this->recordsPerPage = 10;
$this->page = 1;
function getApiKey()
return $this->apiKey;
function setApiKey($apiKey)
$this->apiKey = $apiKey;
function getErrorMessage()
return $this->errorMessage;
function getFilterAdult()
return $this->filterAdult;
function setFilterAdult($filterAdult)
$this->filterAdult = $filterAdult;
function getLanguages()
return $this->languages;
function setLanguages($languages)
$this->languages = $languages;
function getPage()
return $this->page;
function setPage($page)
if ($page < 1)
$page = 1;
$this->page = $page;
function getPages()
return $this->pages;
function getQuery()
return $this->query;
function setQuery($query)
$this->query = $query;
function getRecords()
return $this->records;
function getRecordsPerPage()
return $this->recordsPerPage;
function setRecordsPerPage($recordsPerPage)
$this->recordsPerPage = is_int($recordsPerPage) && $recordsPerPage > 0 ? $recordsPerPage : 10;
function get()
$startIndex = ($this->page - 1) * $this->recordsPerPage;
$elementsCount = $this->recordsPerPage;
$parameters = array(
'AppID' => $this->apiKey,
'Query' => $this->query,
'CultureInfo' => $this->languages,
'SafeSearch' => ($this->filterAdult ? 'Strict' : 'Off'),
'Requests' => array (
'SourceRequest' => array (
'Source' => 'Web',
'Offset' => $startIndex,
'Count' => $elementsCount,
'ResultFields' => 'All'
if (isset($this->country))
$parameters['Location'] = $this->country;
$soapClient =& new soapclient(MSN_API_ENDPOINT);
$soapResult = $soapClient->call('Search', array ('Request' => $parameters), MSN_API_NAMESPACE );
if ($soapClient->getError())
$this->errorMessage = $soapClient->getError();
return false;
$this->records = $soapResult['Responses']['SourceResponse']['Total'];
$this->pages = ceil($this->records / $this->recordsPerPage);
if (is_array($soapResult['Responses']['SourceResponse']['Results']))
$result = array();
foreach ($soapResult['Responses']['SourceResponse']['Results'] as $item)
$result[] = array (
'url' => $item['Url'],
'urlDisplay' => $item['DisplayUrl'],
'urlCache' => $item['CacheUrl'],
'title' => isset($item['Title']) && trim($item['Title']) != '' ? $item['Title'] : $item['DisplayUrl'],
'snippet' => $item['Description']
$result = array();
return $result;
The usage of this class is quite simple. Take a look at the following index.php
file to see an example. You can see it working here. Please note that where it says 'My MSN API Key'
, you need to insert your own MSN API Key. If you don't have one, get one now.
if (isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['query']) && trim($_GET['query']) != '')
$currentPage = 1;
if (isset($_GET['page']))
$currentPage = $_GET['page'];
$msnSearch =& new MSNWebSearch();
$msnSearch->setApiKey('My MSN API Key');
$result =& $msnSearch->get();
if ($result !== false)
if ($msnSearch->getPages() > 1)
$navigation = array();
$navigation['pages'] = $msnSearch->getPages();
if ($msnSearch->getPage() > 1)
$navigation['back'] = $PHP_SELF . '?page=' . ($msnSearch->getPage() - 1) . '&query=' . urlencode($msnSearch->getQuery());
if ($msnSearch->getPage() < $msnSearch->getPages())
$navigation['next'] = $PHP_SELF . '?page=' . ($msnSearch->getPage() + 1) . '&query=' . urlencode($msnSearch->getQuery());
<title>MSN Web Search</title>
<form action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="GET">
<input type="text" name="query" size="70" value="<?php echo isset($_GET['query']) ? $_GET['query'] : ''; ?>" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
if (isset($msnSearch) && $result !== false)
<br />
<b><?php echo $msnSearch->getRecords(); ?></b> records matched your query.
if (isset($msnSearch) && $result === false)
There was an error with your search. Error message: <b><?php echo $msnSearch->getErrorMessage(); ?></b>.
else if (isset($msnSearch))
if (isset($navigation))
Pages: <b><?php echo $msnSearch->getPages(); ?></b>
if (isset($navigation['back']))
<a href="<?php echo $navigation['back']; ?>">Previous</a>
if (isset($navigation['back']) && isset($navigation['next']))
if (isset($navigation['next']))
<a href="<?php echo $navigation['next']; ?>">Next</a>
foreach ($result as $item)
<a href="<?php echo $item['url']; ?>"><?php echo $item['title']; ?></a>: <?php echo $item['snippet']; ?>
<br />
<font color="#008000"><?php echo $item['urlDisplay']; ?></font> - <a href="<?php echo $item['urlCache']; ?>">Cache</a>
Hope this helps anyone.