What is Methabot?
Methabot is an open source web crawler and command line tool optimized for speed. It supports scripted filetype parsing, a wide variety of customization options and is easily configured to fit anyones particular needs.
WEBSITE MOVED: This project has moved to a new website: http://metha-sys.org/
Latest News
Methanol/1.7.0 Released! (2009/06/23 15:18) Methabot/ and lmm_mysql-1.0.0 (2009/02/23 21:59) Methabot/1.6.0 Released! (2009/02/21 12:59) Methabot/1.5.0 Released! (2009/01/15 22:27)Features
Methabot is rich with fine features, some of them, but not all, are listed below.
It's fast, designed from the ground and up with speed-optimization in mind. Scriptable through Javascript with E4X User-defined filetype filtering (according to MIME type, file extension or UMEX expression) Multi-threaded Highly configurable from command line Extensible module system, supporting custom data parsers, filters and protocol handlers. MySQL support through the Javascript-MySQL binding (lmm_mysql). Simple yet powerful filtering of URLs through UMEX. Automated downloading Support for automatic cookie handling when running over HTTP Robots Exclusion Standard Reliable, fault-tolerant networking, redirect-loop detection and some spider trap detection Parser chaining, share data easily between C and javascript parsers Unix-friendly interface, piping in and out data for parsing and crawling HTML to XML/ XHTML conversion Portable, tested with success on 32-bit/64-bit Linux 2.6, 32-bit/64-bit FreeBSD 6.x/7.0 and Mac OS X. Should work on almost any Unix-like OS, partial support for Windows. Old versions of Methabot have full support for Windows.