You can find a current export of the Cloudy code at the following link:
Please, be aware that Cloudy is currently a research prototype and shouldn't be used in a production environment. Unfortunately there is also no existing documentation/manual for Cloudy at the moment. To get started I suggest you compile Cloudy using the build.xml Ant script and then you take a look at the startup script in /code/bin/ (use the -h option to get some additional information). You can use different configurations (factories) to start Cloudy. Each configuration has its own configuration file in the /code/conf folder.
Cloudy provides a flexible a modular architecture and is a good foundation if you want to start playing around with cloud storage systems. However, if you are looking for production ready system which can be used out-of-the box, I would suggest you have a closer look at the existing open source solutions like Cassandra or CouchDB.
common command:
get [key1,key2]
get (key1,key2)
IP error , the 101 st line, to chang the localhost to real ip.