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Hot on the heels of the announcement of the demise of local Business Link advisory services comes StartUp Britain, a new initiative that boldly claims,

在宣布取消本地Business Link咨询服务之后, 英国启动了StartUp ,这是一项新计划,该计划大胆宣称:

StartUp Britain is designed to make it easier for new companies and innovations to flourish and encourage people who aspire to start new businesses to work for themselves.

StartUp UK旨在使新公司和创新更容易蓬勃发展,并鼓励渴望创办新企业的人为自己工作。

So, how are they going to do this? Apparently by giving us a list of links to other websites, including Australian “design competition” site 99designs because, as we all know, branding is simply about creating a logo. There is no context to these links, clicking on any one of the 4 “Top Tips” just takes you straight out to another site. Have these sites paid for their inclusion here? Or are we to believe that 99designs is precisely where the business owners behind StartUp Britain will be heading to brand their next venture?

那么,他们将如何做到这一点? 显然,通过给我们提供到其他网站的链接列表,包括澳大利亚“设计竞赛”网站99designs的原因,因为众所周知,品牌推广只是创建徽标 。 这些链接没有上下文,单击4个“热门提示”中的任何一个都可以直接将您带到另一个站点。 这些网站是否已为其收录付费? 还是我们相信99designs正是StartUp UK背后的企业主将为下一次创业打上烙印的地方?

What value does this offer? It may be that for some types of business a cheap and cheerful logo from 99designs will do just fine. However for many it will be money completely wasted and may be harmful to a fledgling brand. Why is this site not giving realistic advice and why is it not supporting UK design and branding agencies? Is there a place in StartUp Britain for them?

这提供了什么价值? 对于某些类型的企业来说,使用99designs便宜又欢快的徽标可能会很好。 但是,对于许多人来说,这将是金钱的完全浪费,并且可能对一个刚起步的品牌有害。 为什么该网站没有提供切合实际的建议,为什么它不支持英国的设计和品牌代理机构? 在英国创业公司中有适合他们的地方吗?

I’ve picked on the 99designs issue because it is indicative of the lack of substance behind this venture. We are told there is lots more “coming soon” but why launch this initiative with such fanfare with nothing to show for it than a list of links and a few special offers provided by businesses who generally provide those offers to new customers anyway?

我之所以选择99designs,是因为这表明该企业缺乏实质性支持。 我们被告知还有更多的“即将到来”,但为什么要发起如此大张旗鼓的倡议而不是一无是处,而要提供链接列表和一些企业提供的特殊优惠,而企业通常还是向新客户提供这些优惠?

I know about starting a business on a shoestring. When I set up edgeofmyseat.com I had £1,500 to my name, provided by way of a grant and loan from The Prince’s Trust, however the business support I received from The Prince’s Trust was more valuable than any monetary help they could have given me. When you are assisted by the Trust to start a business, they don’t just hand you some money and let you get on with it. For three years I had regular meetings with my business mentor. I was expected to have up to date accounts, cashflow forecasts, to be able to demonstrate how my business was developing. In return I was helped to get a business bank account, given practical advice on budgeting, on using contractors, writing contracts and so on. Practical, down to earth advice. It isn’t sexy or exciting but it’s the dull stuff that ensures a business can survive and be profitable.

我知道有关创业的准备。 当我建立edgeofmyseat.com时 ,我的名字有1,500英镑,是通过王子信托基金提供的赠款和贷款提供 ,但是我从王子信托基金获得的商业支持比他们可以给我的任何金钱帮助都更有价值。 当您在信托的协助下创业时,他们不仅会给您一些钱,而且会让您继续前进。 三年来,我与业务导师定期开会。 希望我拥有最新的帐户,现金流量预测,以便能够证明我的业务发展情况。 作为回报,我得到了一个商业银行帐户,并获得了有关预算,使用承包商,签订合同等方面的实用建议。 切实可行的建议。 它不是性感或令人兴奋的,但它是确保企业能够生存和盈利的沉闷东西。

I started edgeofmyseat.com as the dot com bubble was bursting, in a landscape of disillusioned and unemployed web designers and developers who had been sold a dream backed by venture capital, and the money had run out. I can see a lot of the thrill of the dot com days in the excitement of the new wave of internet start-ups. I’d like to see all those great ideas given business advice and help that has substance, that tempers the excitement of launching a business with the need to understand how it will become profitable. I’d love to see the UK become somewhere that businesses can flourish and do well, but I think that the team behind StartUp Britain have some way to go to convince me that their plan is anything more than a token gesture towards business owners.

在互联网泡沫破灭之际,我开始了edgeofmyseat.com的创建,当时幻想破灭,失业的网页设计师和开发人员被风险投资支持的梦想卖掉了,而这笔钱已经用光了。 在新一波的互联网初创企业的兴奋中,我可以看到很多.com时代的激动。 我希望看到所有伟大的想法都得到了实质性的商业建议和帮助,从而缓解了创办一家公司的热情,同时又需要了解如何实现盈利。 我很高兴看到英国成为企业蓬勃发展和发展良好的地方,但是我认为StartUp UK背后的团队有一些方法可以说服我,他们的计划不只是向企业主的一种象征性姿态。

Update: Since writing this I have seen some other excellent posts on the subject. From PostDesk, Why “#StartUpBritain” is nothing more than a government backed link farm and more on the 99Designs issue from Elliot Jay Stocks in a post entitled Clueless.

更新:自撰写本文以来,我还看到了有关该主题的其他出色文章。 在PostDesk中, 为什么“ #StartUpBritain”无非是政府支持的链接服务器场 ,更多关于Elliot Jay Stocks的99Designs问题,其标题为“ 头绪”。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2011/03/29/startup-britain---what-do-new-businesses-really-need/

