List<? extends Server> org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.list() List all servers (detailed) that the current tenant has access to Returns: list of all servers
List<? extends Server> org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.list(boolean detail) List all servers (detailed / brief) that the current tenant has access to Parameters: detail if true all attributes will be populated, false (brief) will be ID, Name and Links Returns: list of all servers
List<? extends Server> org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.list(Map filteringParams) Returns list of servers filtered by parameters. Parameters: filteringParams map (name, value) of filtering parameters Returns: list of all servers
List<? extends Server> org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.listAll(boolean detail) List all servers for all tenants (detailed / brief) Parameters: detail if true all attributes will be populated, false (brief) will be ID, Name and Links Returns: list of all servers
Server org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.get(String serverId) Get the specified server by ID Parameters: serverId the server id Returns: the server or null if not found
Server org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.boot(ServerCreate server) Create (boot) a new Server Parameters: server the server to boot Returns: the newly created server
Server org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.bootAndWaitActive(ServerCreate server, int maxWaitTime) Create (boot) a new Server Parameters: server the server to boot maxWaitTime the max time to wait in milliseconds for the server to become ACTIVE Returns: the newly created server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.delete(String serverId) Delete (i.e shut down and delete the image) of the server Parameters: serverId the server identifier Returns: the action response
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.reboot(String serverId, RebootType type) Reboot a server by SOFT (software-level) or HARD (hardware power cycle) Parameters: serverId the server id type the type of reboot Returns: the action response
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.rebuild(String serverId, RebuildOptions options) Rebuilds the specified server Parameters: serverId the server id options additional options used during the rebuild. (OPTIONAL, can be null) Returns: the action response
Resize, Confirm resize, Revert resize
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.resize(String serverId, String flavorId) Resize a server's resources. Until a resize event is confirmed confirmResize(String), the old server will be kept around and you'll be able to roll back to the old flavor quick with revertResize(String). All resizes will be automatically confirmed after 24 hours. Parameters: serverId the server identifier flavorId the new flavor id to resize to Returns: the action response
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.confirmResize(String serverId) Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server Parameters: serverId the server identifier Returns: the action response
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.revertResize(String serverId) Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server Parameters: serverId the server identifier Returns: the action response
Pause, Unpause
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.PAUSE) Pause the server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.UNPAUSE) UnPause the paused server
Suspend, Resume
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.SUSPEND) Suspend a server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.RESUME) Rescue the server
String org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.createSnapshot(String serverId, String snapshotName) Creates the snapshot for a Server Parameters: serverId the server id snapshotName the snapshot name Returns: the newly created snapshot UUID
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.backupServer(String serverId, BackupOptions options) Sets up a new backup schedule service for the given serverId Parameters: serverId the server identifier options the backup options Returns: the action response
Start, Stop
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.START) Start the server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.STOP) Stop the server
Shelve, Shelve offload, Unshelve
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.SHELVE) Shelve the server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.SHELVE_OFFLOAD) Remove a shelved instance from the compute node
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.UNSHELVE) Unshelve the server
Lock, Unlock
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.LOCK) Lock the server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.UNLOCK) Unlock a locked server
Rescue, Unrescue
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.RESCUE) Rescue the server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.action(String serverId, Action.UNRESCUE) Unrescue the server
Set administrator password
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.changeAdminPassword(String serverId, String adminPassword) Changes the admin/root password on the server Parameters: serverId the server identifier adminPassword the new password Returns: the action response
Migrate, Live migrate
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.migrateServer(String serverId) Only user with admin role can do this. Migrate a server. The new host will be selected by the scheduler. Until a resize event is confirmed confirmResize(String), the old server will be kept around and you'll be able to roll back to the old host quick with revertResize(String). All resizes will be automatically confirmed after 24 hours. Parameters: serverId the server identifier Returns: the action response
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.liveMigrate(String serverId, LiveMigrateOptions options) Live-migrates a server identified with {@code serverId} to a new host without rebooting Parameters: serverId the server identifier options live migration options Returns: the action response
Map org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.getMetadata(String serverId) Returns the metadata for the specified server Parameters: serverId the server identifier Returns: Map of metadata of key and value
Map org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.updateMetadata(String serverId, Map metadata) Creates or replaces metadata items for the specified server Parameters: serverId the server identifier metadata the metadata to create or update Returns: Map of metadata as the current state on the server
ActionResponse org.openstack4j.api.compute.ServerService.deleteMetadataItem(String serverId, String key) Removes the specified metadata item via the specified key and serverId Parameters: serverId the server identifier key the metadata key to remove Returns: the action response