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openstack4j 源码_01、使用OpenStack4j快速开发对外接口








import org.openstack4j.api.OSClient.OSClientV3;

import org.openstack4j.openstack.OSFactory;

import org.openstack4j.model.common.Identifier;

# use Identifier.byId("domainId") or Identifier.byName("example-domain")

Identifier domainIdentifier = Identifier.byId("domainId");

# unscoped authentication

# as the username is not unique across domains you need to provide the domainIdentifier

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()


.credentials("admin","sample", domainIdentifier)


# project scoped authentication

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()


.credentials("admin", "secret", Identifier.byName("example-domain"))



# domain scoped authentication

# using the unique userId does not require a domainIdentifier

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()


.credentials("userId", "secret")



# Scoping to a project just by name isn't possible as the project name is only unique within a domain.

# You can either use this as the id of the project is unique across domains

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()


.credentials("userId", "secret")

.scopeToProject(Identifier.byName(projectName), Identifier.byName(domainName))


# Or alternatively

OSClientV3 os = OSFactory.builderV3()


.credentials("userId", "secret")




// Find all Users

List extends User> users = os.identity().users().list();

// List all Tenants

List extends Tenant> tenants = os.identity().tenants().list();

// Find all Compute Flavors

List extends Flavor> flavors = os.compute().flavors().list();

// Find all running Servers

List extends Server> servers = os.compute().servers().list();

// Suspend a Server

os.compute().servers().action("serverId", Action.SUSPEND);

// List all Networks

List extends Network> networks = os.networking().network().list();

// List all Subnets

List extends Subnet> subnets = os.networking().subnet().list();

// List all Routers

List extends Router> routers = os.networking().router().list();

// List all Images (Glance)

List extends Image> images = os.images().list();

// Download the Image Data

InputStream is = os.images().getAsStream("imageId");
