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如何查看python安装了哪些模块_[内容] Python3 模块的查看(查看已安装的模块)...


步骤一:进入 python3 模式

# python3

Python 3.6.8 (default, Jul 1 2019, 16:43:04)

[GCC 8.2.1 20180905 (Red Hat 8.2.1-3)] on linux

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


>>> help('modules')

Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules...

Failed to set locale, defaulting to C

OpenSSL ast imaplib runpy

__future__ asynchat imghdr sched

_ast asyncio imp schedutils

_asyncio asyncore importlib secrets

_bisect atexit iniparse select

_blake2 audioop inspect selectors

_bootlocale base64 io setuptools

_bz2 bcrypt ipaddress shelve

_cffi_backend bdb itertools shlex

_codecs binascii json shutil

_codecs_cn binhex keyword signal

_codecs_hk bisect lib2to3 site

_codecs_iso2022 builtins libcomps six

_codecs_jp bz2 libdnf smtpd

_codecs_kr cProfile librepo smtplib

_codecs_tw calendar libxml2 snack

_collections cffi libxml2mod sndhdr

_collections_abc cgi linecache socket

_compat_pickle cgitb locale socketserver

_compression chunk logging spwd

_crypt cmath lzma sqlite3

_csv cmd m sre_compile

_ctypes code macpath sre_constants

_curses codecs macurl2path sre_parse

_curses_panel codeop mailbox ssl

_datetime collections mailcap stat

_dbm colorsys marshal statistics

_dbus_bindings compileall math string

_dbus_glib_bindings concurrent mimetypes stringprep

_decimal configobj mmap struct

_dummy_thread configparser modulefinder style

_elementtree contextlib multiprocessing subprocess

_functools copy mysql sunau

_gdbm copyreg nacl symbol

_hashlib crypt netifaces symtable

_heapq cryptography netrc sys

_imp csv nis sysconfig

_io ctypes nntplib syslog

_json curses ntpath syspurpose

_locale datetime nturl2path tabnanny

_lsprof dateutil numbers tarfile

_lzma dbm opcode telnetlib

_markupbase dbus operator tempfile

_md5 decimal optparse termios

_multibytecodec decorator os test

_multiprocessing difflib ossaudiodev tests

_opcode dis paramiko textwrap

_operator distutils parser this

_osx_support dmidecode pathlib threading

_pickle dmidecodemod pdb time

_posixsubprocess dnf perf timeit

_pydecimal dnfpluginscore pickle token

_pyio doctest pickletools tokenize

_random drv_libxml2 pip trace

_sha1 dummy_threading pipes traceback

_sha256 easy_install pkg_resources tracemalloc

_sha3 email pkgutil tty

_sha512 encodings platform tuned

_signal ensurepip plistlib types

_sitebuiltins enum ply typing

_snack errno poplib unbound

_socket faulthandler posix unboundmodule

_sqlite3 fcntl posixpath unicodedata

_sre filecmp pprint unittest

_ssl fileinput print up2date_client

_stat fnmatch procfs update

_string for profile urllib

_strptime formatter pstats uu

_struct fractions pty uuid

_symtable ftplib pwd validate

_sysconfigdata_dm_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu functools py_compile venv

_sysconfigdata_m_linux_x86_64-linux-gnu gc pyclbr warnings

_testmultiphase genericpath pycparser wave

_thread getopt pydoc weakref

_threading_local getpass pydoc_data webbrowser

_tracemalloc gettext pyexpat wirte

_unbound gi pygtkcompat wsgiref

_version glob python xdrlib

_warnings gpg pyudev xml

_weakref grp queue xmlrpc

_weakrefset gzip quopri xxlimited

a hashlib random xxsubtype

a1 hawkey re zipapp

abc heapq readline zipfile

aifc hmac reprlib zipimport

antigravity html resource zlib

argparse http rhn

array hwdata rlcompleter

asn1crypto idna rpm

Enter any module name to get more help. Or, type "modules spam" to search

for modules whose name or summary contain the string "spam".

步骤三:退出 python3 模式

>>> quit()
