Astus' Mathematical Display Application Current features:
Use (Shift+)AltGr+Key to type Mathematical Symbols (Refer to AMaDiA_ReplacementTables)
Tab 1 : Scientific Calculator
Calculate with +,-,±,×,÷,√,^,°, Integral f(x) dx, d(f(x))/dx, y'(x), complex numbers, sin(), cos(), tan(), exp(), log() , π , E and more
Solve an equation with unknown variables
Solve Differential Equations (including particular solutions)
Test for equality of two terms
Use mathematic Unicode symbols to type faster!
Turn on units in the options to do things like convert_to(7foot+3inch,m)
For more detailed usage check out Help/Examples and copy/paste the examples to the according tab input fields
Tab 2 : Convert input to LaTeX and display it
Tab 3 : Plot 2D Graphs (3D and complex Graphs are WIP)
Tab 4 : Equations with matrices and vectors as well as systems of linear equations
System Control Window : Everything for System Control (WIP)
LAN chat program (needs overhaul)
Intended for sharing equations with other users in the same network to make cooperative working easier
Separate Server and Client applications
Allows sending of text and text files
Share text files with all other users in the network via drag'n'drop into the input field
Server has some moderation tools (Muting/Kicking/Banning
WARNING: Messages are currently not encrypted! Do not send sensitive data!!!
Custom Window Frames
Feedback is welcome
Suggestions are welcome
Requests are welcome
How to Install
On Windows:
Create two files "AMaDiA.bat" and "AMaDiA_INSTALL.bat" and copy the text from the two file in WINDOWS-INSTALL into them by rightcklicking on them and selecting the modify option
doubleclick on "AMaDiA_INSTALL.bat" to install AMaDiA (The installation location is the user folder. This can be changed by editing both files.)
From now on doubleclicking on AMaDiA.bat will update and then run AMaDiA
(Disclaimer: Use theses .bat files on your own risk. I doubt they can cause any harm but i am no expert on batch files and can not foresee all eventualities)
On Linux [WIP]:
On OSX [???]:
I don't have access to OSX and am not even sure how good AMaDiA runs on it (it should work flawlessy?)... Sorry but I can not help you...
If anyone has a good description how to easily install/update+run a python script on OSX feel free to inform me so I can add it here
Screenshot Version
Short Term Roadmap
Planned features for near future (order reflects priority):
Plot 3D and complex functions
Improve System Control Window
(Continuous:) Better parser to allow a more flexible input
Long Term Roadmap
Planned features for future (order reflects priority):
Make Tab 4 even easier to use
Simple Texteditor
better unit handling (like automatic simplification)
Automatic recognition for PDEs so that the user no longer has to put them in "pdsolve(...)"
Save/load the history