Form Tooltip

授权协议 未知
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 jQuery 插件、 jQuery表单及相关
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 罗韬
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

A tooltip plugin for forms. The tooltip is always displayed beneath form elements, and activated when a form field gets focus (works for keyboard and mouse navigation). The tooltip content is set based on the fields title-attribute (customizable).

Requires delegate plugin (bundled with validation plugin)

Usage: $("#myform").formtooltip();


  • String element: HTML markup for the tooltip element, must contain element with class "formtooltip-body"
  • Function positionParent: Returns the element to use for positioning. Gets one argument, the currently focussed element. The default returns just that element. Custom implemenetations can return some parent of the element.
  • Number left: Offset left for the tooltip. Default: 10
  • Selector type: Elements to apply the tooltip to. Default: "input, textarea, select"
  • Number fade: The duration in milliseconds of the fadein/out animations when hiding/showing the tooltip. Default: 250
  •     1、Tooltip属性     autoAdjustOverflow={false}   // 气泡被遮挡时是否自动调整位置     open={!!errorInfo1}  // 用于手动控制浮层显隐    2、Form.Item属性     help=''   // 设置这个不显示错误信息     hidden   // 隐藏当前项不显示   3、Form属性    validateT

  • ` formatter:function(params){ return params[0].seriesName+'<br/>'+params[0].name+':'+params[0].value+uint }`

  • Files included in the package: form-field-tooltip.html = Main demo HTML file js/form-field-tooltip.js = Main JS file for the script js/rounded-corners.js = JS file created to add rounded corners dynam

  • I am trying to get a tooltip to display on a disabled textbox during a mouse over. I know because the control is disabled the following won’t work: private void textBox5_MouseHover(object sender, Even

  • tooltip是前端交互常用的一个组件,很多时候可能tooltip中显示的content并非是常量,而是需要我们通过接口请求获取content,但是在AntDesign中,tooltip的content如果是异步赋值的话,经常会出现位置错乱的问题,要解决这个问题,首先要对其出现的场景以及原因做出分析 场景 AntDesign中的tooltip显示或隐藏有两种控制方法,一种是自动触发,即根据属性tr

  • crud 在option>column中设置headerslot: true, slot=“对应字段名Header” 添加下面的代码设置tip <template slot="isPowerHeader" slot-scope="{ column }"> <label>{{ column.label }}</label> <el-tooltip class="item" effect="d

  • 实现思路 根据el-form-item 插槽自定义表头,使用el-tooltip包裹,通过mouseenter事件计算label长度是否溢出来控制el-tooltip的显示隐藏 代码展示 <el-form-item v-bind="customAttrs" class="ts-font-14 ts-form-item" :class="{'inline-full-width':inlineFu

  • elementui tooltip 设置宽度 <el-tooltip v-if="item.stateEnum === 6" placement="bottom"> <template slot="content"> <p style="max-width: 500px">{{ item.approDesp }}<

  • 内容过多: :show-overflow-tooltip=true 宽度属性设置: .el-tooltip__popper{ max-width:30% }   转载于:



