Super-sexy animated form field validation plugin.
Very easy to apply field validation on a per field basis in the html <INPUT>
declaration. Very user friendly in showing each field that has not passed validation. Easy support for restriction of characters in a field, i.e. phone number only allowing digits. Allows for associating the ENTER key with a specific function.
To use simply add a jKey=""
or jKeyVal=""
to the <INPUT>
html tag you would like to have validation associated with such as this example to make sure that a field has 10 digits as well as only allowing digits to being entered (i.e. US Phone number input field):
<INPUT ID="phoneNumber" TYPE="text"
jVal="{valid:function (val) { if (val.length != 10) return false; else return true; }, message:'10 Digits for Phone Required', styleType:'cover'}"
jValKey="{valid:/[0-9]/, message:'"%c" Invalid Character - Only Digits Allowed', cFunc:'$(\'#formContainer\').jVal()', styleType:'pod'}">
程序员将所有要传递给构造函数的参数放在紧随methodID参数之后的jvalues args数组中。NewObjectA()接受这个数组中的参数,然后将它们传递给程序员希望调用的Java方法。 在我的例子中,构造函数需要传递给它两个java字符串。因此,我尝试了以下几点: 其中ctojstring只是以下函数:
JValidations 是一个 Java 对象的数据验证框架。 示例代码: public class Customer implements Validatable<ValidationReport>{ private String name; private String email; public
jValidate allows for an easier and cleaner way of validating forms on the client side. It’s key features are that it puts validation rules in semantic HTML (inputs with class email are validates as em
jValidator 是一个数据质量防火墙,类似于数据验证的中间件,用于监控和管理数据流。 如果您需要实施或改进模式的验证过程,通过各种格式的数据流填充数据库(源自许多来源),验证复杂的规则以及监视数据质量,则jValidator是解决方案。