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Laravel 5 Friendships

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This package gives Eloquent models the ability to manage their friendships.You can easily design a Facebook like Friend System.

Models can:

  • Send Friend Requests
  • Accept Friend Requests
  • Deny Friend Requests
  • Block Another Model
  • Group Friends


First, install the package through Composer.

composer require hootlex/laravel-friendships

If you are using Laravel < 5.5, you need to add Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider to your config/app.php providers array:


Publish config and migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Hootlex\Friendships\FriendshipsServiceProvider"

Configure the published config in


Finally, migrate the database

php artisan migrate

Setup a Model

use Hootlex\Friendships\Traits\Friendable;
class User extends Model
    use Friendable;

How to use

Check the Test file to see the package in action

Send a Friend Request


Accept a Friend Request


Deny a Friend Request


Remove Friend


Block a Model


Unblock a Model


Check if Model is Friend with another Model


Check if Model has a pending friend request from another Model


Check if Model has already sent a friend request to another Model


Check if Model has blocked another Model


Check if Model is blocked by another Model


Get a single friendship


Get a list of all Friendships


Get a list of pending Friendships


Get a list of accepted Friendships


Get a list of denied Friendships


Get a list of blocked Friendships


Get a list of pending Friend Requests


Get the number of Friends


Get the number of Pendings


Get the number of mutual Friends with another user



To get a collection of friend models (ex. User) use the following methods:

Get Friends


Get Friends Paginated

$user->getFriends($perPage = 20);

Get Friends of Friends

$user->getFriendsOfFriends($perPage = 20);

Collection of Friends in specific group paginated:

$user->getFriends($perPage = 20, $group_name);

Get mutual Friends with another user

$user->getMutualFriends($otherUser, $perPage = 20);

Friend groups

The friend groups are defined in the config/friendships.php file.The package comes with a few default groups.To modify them, or add your own, you need to specify a slug and a key.

// config/friendships.php
'groups' => [
    'acquaintances' => 0,
    'close_friends' => 1,
    'family' => 2

Since you've configured friend groups, you can group/ungroup friends using the following methods.

Group a Friend

$user->groupFriend($friend, $group_name);

Remove a Friend from family group

$user->ungroupFriend($friend, 'family');

Remove a Friend from all groups


Get the number of Friends in specific group


To filter friendships by group you can pass a group slug.



This is the list of the events fired by default for each action

Event name Fired
friendships.sent When a friend request is sent
friendships.accepted When a friend request is accepted
friendships.denied When a friend request is denied
friendships.blocked When a friend is blocked
friendships.unblocked When a friend is unblocked
friendships.cancelled When a friendship is cancelled


See the CONTRIBUTING guide.

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