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开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 开发工具、 编译器
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 梁丘烨
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

What is it?

  1. A simple stack-based virtual machine that runs C in the browser.

  2. An interactive tutorial that covers C, how the VM works, and how the language is compiled, everything from the ground up.


This project demystifies compilers without getting lost in unnecessary details.MiniC visually explores how a compiler can break down the C language into simple instructions and how those are executed by a virtual CPU.

Can I see it?

  1. Sandbox

  2. Tutorial (for people with 0 programming experience or willing to learn C) :

    • Part 1 - Introduction
    • Part 2 - Expressions (part 1)
    • Part 3 - Expressions (part 2)
    • Part 4 - Variables and program structure


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Virtual Instruction Set

Note: BEFORE each instrunction, IP increases by 1


  • increases SP by 1 and sets the value at SP to the argument ("Pushes the argument onto the stack")


  • similar to PUSH
  • instead of pushing just the argument, it pushes BP + argument ("Loads the Effective Address")
  • used to push the address of a local variable on the stack ("LEA 2" is used to push the address of the second local variable on the stack)


  • replaces the address on the top of the stack with the value at that address ("Dereferences the address")
  • e.g. to push the value of a local variable, we use LEA follwed by DRF


  • decreases SP by 1 ("pops a value off the stacK")
  • used if the value on the top of the stack is not needed, to prevent the stack from growing indefinitely
  • e.g. after calling a function without indending to use its returned value


  • sets IP to the argument ("jump to the address gives as argument")
  • used to compile control structures such as "if" and "while"


  • pops a value off the stack, and if that value is 0, it jumps to the argument ("jump if zero")
  • used to compile constrol structures such as "if" and "while"


  • a sequence of simpler instructions performed before each function ("Function START");
    • pushes the value of BP effectively saving it before setting BP
    • sets BP to SP
    • increase SP by the value of the argument, effectively making room for local variables
  • effectively sets up the stack so that BP so that BP points to the old BP, BP + 1 to the first local variable, BP + 2 to the second, etc.
  • before the function returns, BP will be restored to its old value


  • a sequence of simpler instructions performed before each function RETurns
    • remembers the value on the top of the stack. this is the function return value.
    • sets SP to BP, effectively popping all the local variables and the returned value
    • sets BP to the value on the top of the stack, effectively restoring BP to its value before FSTART
    • performs a POP
    • sets IP to the value on the top of the stack, effectively setting IP to point to the next instrunction after the CALL that created this function
    • performs a POP
    • decreases SP by the argument, effectively popping all the arguments pushed before the function was called
    • replaces the value on the top of the stack (which is the address of the current function) with the function return value remembered earlierall the previous POPs ensure that SP is now set to its original value before calling the function + 1. The top of the stack is the returned value of the function

CALL:a sequence of simpler instructions performed to CALL a function. it assumes that the address of the function followed by all the arguments have already been pushed

  • Pushes IP (which was already increased by 1), effectively pushing the address of the next instruction. This value will be used by the RET instrunction to set IP to the address of next instrunction after CALL
  • sets ip to SP - 1 - argument, with is the address of the FSTART instrunction of the function being called


  • generated by the new operator
  • a sequence of simpler instructions performed to ALLOCate memory dynammically
    • remembers the value on the top of the stack, which is the requsted amount of memory
    • saves the value of HP
    • increases HP by the requsted amount of memory
    • pushes the previously saved value of HP onto the stack


  • used to chnage the value at some address to the value on the top of the stack (ASSiGNment), e.g. "a = 2;"
  • remembers VAL, the value on the top of the stack
  • sets the value at address SP - 1 to VAL
  • performs a POP
  • sets the value on the top of the stack to VAL. This leaves the door open to multiple variable assignment (such as "a = b = 3;")


  • just like ASSIGN, but performs addition instead of replacing the value (e.g. a += 2;)


  • just like ASSIGN, but performs subtraction instead of replacing the value (e.g. a -= 2;)


  • just like ASSIGN, but performs multiplication instead of replacing the value (e.g. a *= 2;)


  • just like ASSIGN, but performs division instead of replacing the value (e.g. a /= 2;)


  • just like ASSIGN, but performs the moduls operation instead of replacing the value (e.g. a %= 2;)


  • POPs the two values on the top of the stack, multiplies them, and pushes the result (e.g. 6 * 3)


  • POPs the two values on the top of the stack, divides them, and pushes the result (e.g. 6 / 3)


  • POPs the two values on the top of the stack, performs the modulus operation on them, and pushes the result (e.g. 6 % 3)


  • POPs the two values on the top of the stack, adds them, and pushes the result (e.g. 6 + 3)


  • POPs the two values on the top of the stack, substracts them, and pushes the result (e.g. 6 - 3)

Missing language features

  • only bool, int, char and pointers as data types and they all have the same size in memory

  • no malloc, but operator new is working (like in C++),

  • no static arrays and structs (dynamic arrays and pointer to structs work fine).

  • no arrays of structs (arrays of pointers to structs works fine).

  • no for and switch statements

  • no preprocessor directives

  • no bitwise operators

  • no ++, --, ternary operators

  • no union and no enum

  • no global variables

  • no function pointers

  • no free / delete operator

  • no function overloading

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