The project logo cames from Legendora Icon byTeekatas Suwannakrua.
Maintained and supported by LeXtudio.
Obfuscar is an open source .NET obfuscator released under MIT license. It provides basic obfuscation features that help secure secrets in a .NET assembly.
Documentation section contains most information you need, and also a detailed history of this project all through the years.
This tool has been heavily in Lex Li's personal project (#SNMP Pro).
If you have a patch to contribute, a feature to request, or a bug to report, please post to the Issue Tracker.
Please contact LeXtudio for support services.
Pull requests are welcome, but make sure you sign the Contributor License Agreement.
If you want to donate to my efforts on this project, please use the following link,
背景 发布客户端程序产品时,免不了会遇到一些怀有恶意或有强烈学习欲望的用户尝试对程序进行反编译。对于一些编译成本地指令的程序(如C、C++),编译后可读性低,反编译和破解成本较高,不需要对代码进行太高强度的保护,而对于C#/JAVA这类编译成中间语言的编程语言,其编译后的程序可读性依然很高,通过ILDASM或ILSpy之类的工具,用户可以很轻松地把程序反编译成高级语言,而且还原度及可读性都很高。