
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 程序开发、 正则表达式工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 洪胤
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

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Table of Contents

  1. What does this tool do?
  2. Do I still need to learn to write regexes then?
  3. Current features
  4. How to install?
    4.1 The command-line tool
    4.2 The library
  5. How to use?
    5.1 The command-line tool
    5.2 The library
    5.3 Examples
  6. How to build?
  7. How does it work?
  8. Contributions

1. What does this tool do? Top ▲

grex is a library as well as a command-line utility that is meant to simplify the oftencomplicated and tedious task of creating regular expressions. It does so by automaticallygenerating a single regular expression from user-provided test cases. The resultingexpression is guaranteed to match the test cases which it was generated from.

This project has started as a Rust port of the JavaScript toolregexgen written byDevon Govett. Although a lot of further useful featurescould be added to it, its development was apparently ceased several years ago. The planis now to add these new features to grex as Rust really shines when it comes tocommand-line tools. grex offers all features that regexgen provides, and more.

The philosophy of this project is to generate the most specific regular expressionpossible by default which exactly matches the given input only and nothing else.With the use of command-line flags (in the CLI tool) or preprocessing methods(in the library), more generalized expressions can be created.

The produced expressions are Perl-compatible regular expressions which are alsocompatible with the regular expression parser in Rust's regex crate.Other regular expression parsers or respective libraries from other programming languageshave not been tested so far, but they ought to be mostly compatible as well.

2. Do I still need to learn to write regexes then? Top ▲

Definitely, yes! Using the standard settings, grex produces a regular expression that is guaranteedto match only the test cases given as input and nothing else.This has been verified by property tests.However, if the conversion to shorthand character classes such as \w is enabled, the resulting regex matchesa much wider scope of test cases. Knowledge about the consequences of this conversion is essential for findinga correct regular expression for your business domain.

grex uses an algorithm that tries to find the shortest possible regex for the given test cases.Very often though, the resulting expression is still longer or more complex than it needs to be.In such cases, a more compact or elegant regex can be created only by hand.Also, every regular expression engine has different built-in optimizations. grex does not know anythingabout those and therefore cannot optimize its regexes for a specific engine.

So, please learn how to write regular expressions! The currently best use case for grex is to findan initial correct regex which should be inspected by hand if further optimizations are possible.

3. Current Features Top ▲

  • literals
  • character classes
  • detection of common prefixes and suffixes
  • detection of repeated substrings and conversion to {min,max} quantifier notation
  • alternation using | operator
  • optionality using ? quantifier
  • escaping of non-ascii characters, with optional conversion of astral code points to surrogate pairs
  • case-sensitive or case-insensitive matching
  • capturing or non-capturing groups
  • fully compliant to newest Unicode Standard 13.0
  • fully compatible with regex crate 1.3.5+
  • correctly handles graphemes consisting of multiple Unicode symbols
  • reads input strings from the command-line or from a file
  • produces more readable expressions indented on multiple using optional verbose mode
  • optional syntax highlighting for nicer output in supported terminals

4. How to install? Top ▲

4.1 The command-line tool Top ▲

You can download the self-contained executable for your platform above and put it in a place of your choice.Alternatively, pre-compiled 64-Bit binaries are available within the package managers Scoop(for Windows), Homebrew (for macOS and Linux), MacPorts (for macOS), and Huber (for macOS, Linux and Windows).Raúl Piracés has contributed a Chocolatey Windows package.

grex is also hosted on,the official Rust package registry. If you are a Rust developer and already have the Rusttoolchain installed, you can install by compiling from source usingcargo, the Rust package manager.So the summary of your installation options is:

( brew | cargo | choco | huber | port | scoop ) install grex

4.2 The library Top ▲

In order to use grex as a library, simply add it as a dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

grex = "1.3.0"

5. How to use? Top ▲

Detailed explanations of the available settings are provided in the library section.All settings can be freely combined with each other.

5.1 The command-line tool Top ▲

Test cases are passed either directly (grex a b c) or from a file (grex -f test_cases.txt).grex is able to receive its input from Unix pipelines as well, e.g. cat test_cases.txt | grex -.

The following table shows all available flags and options:

$ grex -h

grex 1.3.0
© 2019-today Peter M. Stahl <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Downloadable from
Source code at

grex generates regular expressions from user-provided test cases.

    grex [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT>... --file <FILE>

    -d, --digits             Converts any Unicode decimal digit to \d
    -D, --non-digits         Converts any character which is not a Unicode decimal digit to \D
    -s, --spaces             Converts any Unicode whitespace character to \s
    -S, --non-spaces         Converts any character which is not a Unicode whitespace character to \S
    -w, --words              Converts any Unicode word character to \w
    -W, --non-words          Converts any character which is not a Unicode word character to \W
    -r, --repetitions        Detects repeated non-overlapping substrings and
                             converts them to {min,max} quantifier notation
    -e, --escape             Replaces all non-ASCII characters with unicode escape sequences
        --with-surrogates    Converts astral code points to surrogate pairs if --escape is set
    -i, --ignore-case        Performs case-insensitive matching, letters match both upper and lower case
    -g, --capture-groups     Replaces non-capturing groups by capturing ones
    -x, --verbose            Produces a nicer looking regular expression in verbose mode
        --no-start-anchor    Removes the caret anchor '^' from the resulting regular expression
        --no-end-anchor      Removes the dollar sign anchor '$' from the resulting regular expression
        --no-anchors         Removes the caret and dollar sign anchors from the resulting regular expression
    -c, --colorize           Provides syntax highlighting for the resulting regular expression
    -h, --help               Prints help information
    -v, --version            Prints version information

    -f, --file <FILE>                      Reads test cases on separate lines from a file
        --min-repetitions <QUANTITY>       Specifies the minimum quantity of substring repetitions
                                           to be converted if --repetitions is set [default: 1]
        --min-substring-length <LENGTH>    Specifies the minimum length a repeated substring must have
                                           in order to be converted if --repetitions is set [default: 1]

    <INPUT>...    One or more test cases separated by blank space 

5.2 The library Top ▲

5.2.1 Default settings

Test cases are passed either from a collection via RegExpBuilder::from()or from a file via RegExpBuilder::from_file().If read from a file, each test case must be on a separate line. Lines may be ended with either a newline \n or a carriagereturn with a line feed \r\n.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["a", "aa", "aaa"]).build();
assert_eq!(regexp, "^a(?:aa?)?$");

5.2.2 Convert to character classes

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["a", "aa", "123"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "^(\\d\\d\\d|\\w(?:\\w)?)$");

5.2.3 Convert repeated substrings

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["aa", "bcbc", "defdefdef"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "^(?:a{2}|(?:bc){2}|(?:def){3})$");

By default, grex converts each substring this way which is at least a single character longand which is subsequently repeated at least once. You can customize these two parameters if you like.

In the following example, the test case aa is not converted to a{2} because the repeated substringa has a length of 1, but the minimum substring length has been set to 2.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["aa", "bcbc", "defdefdef"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "^(?:aa|(?:bc){2}|(?:def){3})$");

Setting a minimum number of 2 repetitions in the next example, only the test case defdefdef will beconverted because it is the only one that is repeated twice.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["aa", "bcbc", "defdefdef"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "^(?:bcbc|aa|(?:def){3})$");

5.2.4 Escape non-ascii characters

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["You smell like ��."])
assert_eq!(regexp, "^You smell like \\u{1f4a9}\\.$");

Old versions of JavaScript do not support unicode escape sequences for the astral code planes(range U+010000 to U+10FFFF). In order to support these symbols in JavaScript regularexpressions, the conversion to surrogate pairs is necessary. More information on that mattercan be found here.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["You smell like ��."])
assert_eq!(regexp, "^You smell like \\u{d83d}\\u{dca9}\\.$");

5.2.5 Case-insensitive matching

The regular expressions that grex generates are case-sensitive by default.Case-insensitive matching can be enabled like so:

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["big", "BIGGER"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "(?i)^big(?:ger)?$");

5.2.6 Capturing Groups

Non-capturing groups are used by default.Extending the previous example, you can switch to capturing groups instead.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["big", "BIGGER"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "(?i)^big(ger)?$");

5.2.7 Verbose mode

If you find the generated regular expression hard to read, you can enable verbose mode.The expression is then put on multiple lines and indented to make it more pleasant to the eyes.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;
use indoc::indoc;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["a", "b", "bcd"])

assert_eq!(regexp, indoc!(

5.2.8 Disable anchors

By default, the anchors ^ and $ are put around every generated regular expression in orderto ensure that it matches only the test cases given as input. Often enough, however, it isdesired to use the generated pattern as part of a larger one. For this purpose, the anchorscan be disabled, either separately or both of them.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["a", "aa", "aaa"])
assert_eq!(regexp, "a(?:aa?)?");

5.2.9 Syntax highlighting

The method with_syntax_highlighting() may only be used if the resulting regular expression is meant tobe printed to the console. It is mainly meant to be used for the command-line tool output.The regex string representation returned from enabling this setting cannot be fed into theregex crate.

use grex::RegExpBuilder;

let regexp = RegExpBuilder::from(&["a", "aa", "123"])

5.3 Examples Top ▲

The following examples show the various supported regex syntax features:

$ grex a b c

$ grex a c d e f

$ grex a b x de

$ grex abc bc

$ grex a b bc

$ grex [a-z]

$ grex -r b ba baa baaa

$ grex -r b ba baa baaaa

$ grex y̆ a z
Grapheme y̆ consists of two Unicode symbols:
U+0079 (Latin Small Letter Y)
U+0306 (Combining Breve)

$ grex "I ♥ cake" "I ♥ cookies"
^I ♥ c(?:ookies|ake)$
Input containing blank space must be 
surrounded by quotation marks.

The string "I ♥♥♥ 36 and ٣ and ����." serves as input for the following examples using the command-line notation:

$ grex <INPUT>
^I ♥♥♥ 36 and ٣ and ����\.$

$ grex -e <INPUT>
^I \u{2665}\u{2665}\u{2665} 36 and \u{663} and \u{1f4a9}\u{1f4a9}\.$

$ grex -e --with-surrogates <INPUT>
^I \u{2665}\u{2665}\u{2665} 36 and \u{663} and \u{d83d}\u{dca9}\u{d83d}\u{dca9}\.$

$ grex -d <INPUT>
^I ♥♥♥ \d\d and \d and ����\.$

$ grex -s <INPUT>

$ grex -w <INPUT>
^\w ♥♥♥ \w\w \w\w\w \w \w\w\w ����\.$

$ grex -D <INPUT>

$ grex -S <INPUT>
^\S \S\S\S \S\S \S\S\S \S \S\S\S \S\S\S$

$ grex -dsw <INPUT>

$ grex -dswW <INPUT>

$ grex -r <INPUT>
^I ♥{3} 36 and ٣ and ��{2}\.$

$ grex -er <INPUT>
^I \u{2665}{3} 36 and \u{663} and \u{1f4a9}{2}\.$

$ grex -er --with-surrogates <INPUT>
^I \u{2665}{3} 36 and \u{663} and (?:\u{d83d}\u{dca9}){2}\.$

$ grex -dgr <INPUT>
^I ♥{3} \d(\d and ){2}��{2}\.$

$ grex -rs <INPUT>

$ grex -rw <INPUT>
^\w ♥{3} \w(?:\w \w{3} ){2}��{2}\.$

$ grex -Dr <INPUT>

$ grex -rS <INPUT>
^\S \S(?:\S{2} ){2}\S{3} \S \S{3} \S{3}$

$ grex -rW <INPUT>

$ grex -drsw <INPUT>

$ grex -drswW <INPUT>

6. How to build? Top ▲

In order to build the source code yourself, you need thestable Rust toolchain installed on your machineso that cargo, the Rust package manager is available.

git clone
cd grex
cargo build

The source code is accompanied by an extensive test suite consisting of unit tests, integrationtests and property tests. For running them, simply say:

cargo test

7. How does it work? Top ▲

  1. A deterministic finite automaton (DFA)is created from the input strings.

  2. The number of states and transitions between states in the DFA is reduced by applyingHopcroft's DFA minimization algorithm.

  3. The minimized DFA is expressed as a system of linear equations which are solved withBrzozowski's algebraic method,resulting in the final regular expression.

8. Contributions Top ▲

In case you want to contribute something to grex, I encourage you to do so.Do you have ideas for cool features? Or have you found any bugs so far?Feel free to open an issue or send a pull request. It's very much appreciated. :-)



