is an intuitive find & replace CLI.
Why use it over any existing tools?
Painless regular expressions
uses regex syntax that you already know from JavaScript and Python. Forget about dealing with quirks of sed
or awk
- get productive immediately.
String-literal mode
Non-regex find & replace. No more backslashes or remembering which characters are special and need to be escaped.
Easy to read, easy to write
Find & replace expressions are split up, which makes them easy to read and write. No more messing with unclosed and escaped slashes.
Smart, common-sense defaults
Defaults follow common sense and are tailored for typical daily use.
While sed does a whole lot more, sd
focuses on doing just one thing and doing it well.
Some cherry-picked examples, where sd
sd before after
sed s/before/after/g
sd '\n' ','
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g'
echo "sample with /path/" | sd '.*(/.*/)' '$1'
echo "sample with /path/" | sed -E 's/.*(\\/.*\\/)/\1/g'
echo "sample with /path/" | sed -E 's|.*(/.*/)|\1|g'
sd before after file.txt
or else some platforms will consider the next argument to be a backup suffix
sed -i -e 's/before/after/g' file.txt
Simple replacement on ~1.5 gigabytes of JSON
hyperfine -w 3 'sed -E "s/\"/\'/g" *.json >/dev/null' 'sd "\"" "\'" *.json >/dev/null' --export-markdown
Command | Mean [s] | Min…Max [s] |
sed -E "s/\"/'/g" *.json >/dev/null |
2.338 ± 0.008 | 2.332…2.358 |
sed "s/\"/'/g" *.json >/dev/null |
2.365 ± 0.009 | 2.351…2.378 |
sd "\"" "'" *.json >/dev/null |
0.997 ± 0.006 | 0.987…1.007 |
Result: ~2.35 times faster
Regex replacement on a ~55M json file:
hyperfine \
'sed -E "s:(\w+):\1\1:g" dump.json >/dev/null'\
"sed 's:\(\w\+\):\1\1:g' dump.json >/dev/null"\
'sd "(\w+)" "$1$1" dump.json >/dev/null'
Command | Mean [s] | Min…Max [s] |
sed -E "s:(\w+):\1\1:g" dump.json >/dev/null |
11.315 ± 0.215 | 11.102…11.725 |
sed 's:\(\w\+\):\1\1:g' dump.json >/dev/null |
11.239 ± 0.208 | 11.057…11.762 |
sd "(\w+)" "$1$1" dump.json >/dev/null |
0.942 ± 0.004 | 0.936…0.951 |
Result: ~11.93 times faster
Cargo is the Rust package manager.
You can install cargo by
curl -sSf | sh
cargo install sd
apk add sd
Before installing, ensure the appropriate repository is enabled.
pacman -S sd
emerge -av sys-apps/sd
Before installing, ensure the appropriate overlay is enabled.
dnf install sd
pkg install sd
choco install sd-cli
brew install sd
xbps-install sd
or --string-mode
to disable regex.> echo 'lots((([]))) of special chars' | sd -s '((([])))' ''
lots of special chars
> echo 'lorem ipsum 23 ' | sd '\s+$' ''
lorem ipsum 23
Indexed capture groups:
> echo 'cargo +nightly watch' | sd '(\w+)\s+\+(\w+)\s+(\w+)' 'cmd: $1, channel: $2, subcmd: $3'
cmd: cargo, channel: nightly, subcmd: watch
Named capture groups:
> echo "123.45" | sd '(?P<dollars>\d+)\.(?P<cents>\d+)' '$dollars dollars and $cents cents'
123 dollars and 45 cents
In the unlikely case you stumble upon ambiguities, resolve them by using ${var}
instead of $var
. Here's an example:
> echo '123.45' | sd '(?P<dollars>\d+)\.(?P<cents>\d+)' '$dollars_dollars and $cents_cents'
> echo '123.45' | sd '(?P<dollars>\d+)\.(?P<cents>\d+)' '${dollars}_dollars and ${cents}_cents'
123_dollars and 45_cents
> sd 'window.fetch' 'fetch' http.js
That's it. The file is modified in-place.
To preview changes:
> sd -p 'window.fetch' 'fetch' http.js
This example uses fd.
Good ol' unix philosophy to the rescue.
sd 'from "react"' 'from "preact"' $(fd --type file)
Same, but with backups (consider version control).
for file in $(fd --type file); do
cp "$file" "$file.bk"
sd 'from "react"' 'from "preact"' "$file";
replace/-with string needs extra --
before it, if starts with double-minus(this is a limitation of the bash itself)
echo "test/test" | sd '/' -- '--inteneded--'
echo "start/--/end" | sd --string-mode -- '--' 'middle'
SD卡初始化 1 寄存器介绍 SD卡内部有7个寄存器,分别为:OCR、CID、CSD、SCR、RCA、CSR和SSR寄存器(mmc卡没有SCR、SSR寄存器)。 OCR寄存器:OCR寄存器:32bit。这个寄存器存储了卡的VDD电压轮廓图。任何标准的SD卡控制器可以使用2V-3.6V的工作电压来让SD卡能执行这个电压的识别操作。OCR寄存器存储了在访问卡数据是所需的电压范围。OCR的第30位反映该
一、SD卡介绍 传送门: 初始化以及读写操作的流程文章中也有说到。 二、实验内容 有一个开关switch,可以切换读取的图片,也即切换读取的扇区地址。每张图片在SD卡中的起始扇区地址以及地址范围(或者说图片大小)可以使用winhex软件进行查看。 读取SD卡16bit的图片数据,然
上文已经介绍了关于SD的初始化流程,在完成初始化后就可以进行扇区读写了 注意事项: SD卡只能进行整扇区读写,即512byte,每次读写必须为512byte整数倍 SD卡分2种寻址方式 1:字节寻址 2:扇区寻址 CMD读写命令说明: 0~7:cmd命令序号; 8~39:扇区地址(注意寻址方式)