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Real-time P2P network visualization with D3
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 C/C++
所属分类 程序开发、 网络工具包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 史飞尘
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

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Real-time P2P network visualization with D3

This package is used by WebTorrent. You can see thispackage in action on the webtorrent.io homepage orplay with it on theesnextb.in demo.


npm install p2p-graph

This package works in the browser with browserify. If you do not use a bundler, you can use the standalone script directly in a <script> tag.


var Graph = require('p2p-graph')

var graph = new Graph('.root')

graph.on('select', function (id) {
  console.log(id + ' selected!')

// Add two peers
  id: 'peer1',
  me: true,
  name: 'You'
  id: 'peer2',
  name: 'Another Peer'

// Connect them
graph.connect('peer1', 'peer2')


Heads Up! : Represented Graphs are directed!

In graph theory, a directed graph (or digraph) is a graph that is a set of vertices connected by edges, where the edges have a direction associated with them.

graph = new Graph(rootElem)

Create a new P2P graph at the root DOM element rootElem. In addition to anElement, a query selector string (like '.my-cool-element') can also be passedin.


Add a peer to the graph. The peer object should contain:

  id: 'unique-identifier', // should be unique across all peers
  me: true, // is this the current user?
  name: 'display name' // name to show in the graph UI

graph.connect(id1, id2)

Connect to two nodes, identified by id1 and id2, to each other.

graph.disconnect(id1, id2)

Disconnect two nodes, identified by id1 and id2, from each other.

graph.areConnected(id1, id2)

Check whether two nodes identified by id1 and id2 are somehow connected (id1 --> id2 or id2 --> id1).

graph.getLink(id1, id2)

If exists return the link between id1 and id2, otherwise null.

graph.hasPeer(Id1[, ...IdX])

Return true if all the given Nodes exists, otherwise false.

graph.hasLink(Id1, Id2)

Return true the given Link exists, otherwise false (direction matters!).


Remove a node, identified by id, from the graph.

graph.seed(id, isSeeding)

Change a node's status identified by id, isSeeding must be true or false.

graph.rate(id1, id2, speed)

Update the transfer rate between two nodes identified by id1 and id2. speed must be expressed in bytes.


Return an array of Nodes.


Destroys the graph and all the listeners related to it.

graph.on('select', function (id) {})

Event is fired when a node is selected (clicked on) by the user. The id argument is either the idof the selected peer, false to indicate that the peer has been deselected. Only one peer can beselected at any given time.


MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh.

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