
Create an embbedable js widget with react
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Embeddable React Widget

Easy creation of embeddable widgets - https://seriousben.github.io/embeddable-react-widget


  • Full ES6/ES2015 support (with Babel)
  • Package fonts, css, json, javascripts together into one single package (with Webpack)
  • No css styling conflicts between the host page and the widget (with https://github.com/premasagar/cleanslate)
  • Bookmarklet supported for fast testing and demonstration
  • User theming of widget
  • Obfuscating of the widget code
  • Unit Tested with code coverage enabled
  • Continuous Integration ready


Running the widget

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Start the development server

$ npm start
... server running at http://localhost:8080/

Run tests

$ npm test
... test output

Production build

$ npm run build
... create files in /dist


  • Widget as react app - index.html works (webpack, babel, react)
  • React widget (widget builder)
  • Webpack changed to output a library
  • Add tests
  • Add circleci integration
  • Add codecov integration for codecoverage
  • Production Build
  • Minified
  • Add greenkeeper
  • Bookmarklet
  • Reset / Cleanslate / No-conflicts of styles
  • Obfuscation
  • Theming support
  • Storyboard and docs
  • Integrate eslint with webpack


What is an embeddable widget?

  • Usable using a simple <script> tag
  • Configurable with code
  • Themable

Why not in an iframe?

  • Interaction between the frame and the hosting page is tricky and not recommended
  • You can only display content within the iframe
  • iframe and content resizing is impossible
  • iframe sandboxing can result in missing functionalities

Read more

Read more about about widgets, react and scoping of css.

  • 问题内容: 我有班钱是@Embeddable 当我在实体中多次使用它时,一切正常。例如 上面的代码完美地工作。 现在,当我有另一个@Embeddable想要在其中包含Money实例并且该@Embeddable被实体多次使用时,就会出现问题。例: 可嵌入 public class ReportCostValues implements Serializable { 实体 public class R

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  • 问题内容: 我在Team和Player类之间有一种@OneToMany关系。我想在您的玩家之间保存一个Team对象。玩家的标识符由团队外键和列表索引组成,如下所示。我有一个这样的映射,因为我需要保存Team和您的Players同时吃饭。 所以,如果我使用以下 无论是否使用@ CollectionsOfElements,Player类都需要一个@Embeddable注释,而不是一个@Entity,这