
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 澹台季萌
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A starter project using Angular 1.x with Webpack. A Webpack + ES6 re-implementation of the generator-aio-angular project.

Still wanna use Gulp + ES5? Check the generator-aio-angular project.

Pure front-end implementation, all API interaction are mocked using angular-mocks.


Check out the demo site.

The dome site is a pure front-end implementation, so you can use any email/password to login, see mock file for detail. It is hosted on Github pages, no back-end support, so we use # style URL.


  • ES6
  • Component based structure proposed in
  • Lazy load resources(js/css/images/templates...) for each page
  • Material Design using MaterializeCSS
  • Flex Layout
  • Responsive Design
    • Support multiple devices with different screen size.
    • Easy responsive implementation, very convenient to support small screen devices. (see responsive.styl)
  • Animation
    • Using animate.css.
    • All the animation defined by animate.css can be used directly as keyframe animation. (see animation.styl)
  • More understandable router design
  • Easy implementation for Sidebar Navigation and Breadcrumb

Get Started

git clone
cd angular1-webpack-starter
npm install
npm start

Then open your browser with URL http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/.


  • Unit Test: npm test
  • Unit Test with auto watch: npm run test:watch
  • E2E Test: npm run e2e
    • run npm run webdriver-update first
    • make sure a local mock server is running

Check the Unit test coverage report.

Check the E2E test report:


npm run build

The optimized files will be generated in build folder.


Proudly use Travis to do Continuous Integration.

Every push will trigger a build on Travis, it will automatically:

  • run unit test.
  • run build script, deploy website and test coverage report to Github pages.
  • run E2E test on different browsers using Sauce Labs.

Check .travis.yml and for detail implementation.

Check Travis build log for build results.

Blog series



  • 转载于:

  • 这里讲讲,angular2在生产模式下用webpack2进行打包的方法:              //使用rollup打包还是比较坑的,功能及插件上都不如webpack, 关键不支持代码分离,导致angular里的lazy loader将无法使用。   具体步骤:    angular=>aot=>webpack(Tree shaking&& Uglify)   angular=>aot:  

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