
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 逄征
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

This repo is no longer maintained but the idea of having up to date exampleapps is still something I'm actively working on.

All of the examples from this repo (and more) have been moved into their owndedicated repos and have been improved upon.

You can find new and up to date examples here:

More examples are on the way!

Example Apps That Demonstrate How to Use Docker with Your Favorite Web Frameworks

But aren't there a million tutorials out there that do this already?

Yes, but a lot of those tutorials are outdated and there's no quality control.Some might be great, but others may contain questionable decisions. This repowill attempt to stay on the bleeding edge for both Docker and web frameworkversions, and since it's open source, we can all contribute our best practicestogether.


  • Be as minimal as possible without compromising readability
  • Be as fast as possible for build times without compromising readability
  • Deal with development and production app configuration in a reasonable way
  • Remain updated to take advantage of the latest and greatest Docker / app features

Getting Started

Each framework and language has their own folder. As time goes on, more exampleswill be added.

1. Do You Have Docker and Docker Compose Installed?

It's expected that you already have Docker and Docker Compose installed. If not,head over to Docker's website and install aversion of Docker for your operating system of choice.

2. Clone This Repo

git clone
cd docker-web-framework-examples

You'll find a file in each folder with specific instructions andnotes for that framework / language.

Supported Frameworks / Languages

This list is ever growing, so if you don't see your web framework of choice,open a PR.


Whether you're fixing a bug, improving an existing app or creating a newexample app, your efforts are very much appreciated! Check out thecontributing documentation.

  • Docker部署Hadoop 1. 简介 Hadoop简介 Hadoop简介: Apache Hadoop是一个开源的分布式计算平台,可以处理大规模数据集的分布式存储和处理。它是由Apache基金会下的Hadoop项目开发的,采用Java语言编写。Hadoop的核心组件包括Hadoop分布式文件系统(HDFS)和Hadoop MapReduce,它们共同提供了一个可靠、可扩展的分布式计算环境。Ha

  • 安装 Docker # 安装 yum-utils [root@do-hadoop ~]# yum install -y yum-utils # 添加Docker CE的yum源 [root@do-hadoop ~]# yum-config-manager --add-repo [roo

  • Spring Web MVC框架提供模型 - 视图 - 控制器(MVC)架构和现成的组件,可用于开发灵活且松散耦合的Web应用程序。 MVC模式导致应用程序的不同方面(输入逻辑,业务逻辑和UI逻辑)分离,同时在这些元素之间提供松散耦合。 Model封装了应用程序数据,通常它们将由POJO组成。 View负责呈现模型数据,通常它会生成客户端浏览器可以解释的HTML输出。 Controller负责处理

  • Gin 是一个用 Go 语言开发的 Web 框架,提供类 Martini 的 API,但是性能更好。因为有了 httprouter 性能提升了 40 倍之多。 $ cat test.go package mainimport (    "net/http"    "")func main() {    router := gin.Default() 

  • Web Tracing Framework 是 Google 推出的一组工具和脚本,用来分析 JavaScript 代码的性能。适合用于那些重度使用 JavaScript 代码的项目。提供一个手工嵌入版本和一个 Chrome 扩展。

  • Robot Framework in Docker Alpine, with Firefox and Chrome What is it? This project consists of a Docker image containing a Robot Framework installation. This installation also contains Firefox, Chrome

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  • 在典型的应用程序中,我们有数据存储(关系型或无SQL)。应用层(控制器)用来连接存储和获取数据。客户端层(调用APIendpoint)并获取数据。 据我所知,没有异步或无功驱动程序由供应商发布。只有Mongo和可能是Cassandra有无功驱动程序)。控制器层将使用Mono或Flux或Single发送回数据。 客户端层将使用此数据。 Spring Web Reactive利用Servlet3.1非