
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 干永丰
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Mobile App Landing Page Template

�� Free to use static generated landing page template for your mobile app

�� Features

Mobile App Landing Page Template comes with pre-installed features and options:

  • Display app icon
  • Show unlimited app screenshots
  • Link to Google Play
  • Link to the AppStore
  • Link to the Web App
  • Press mention section
  • Product Hunt floating prompt
  • Privacy policy Page
  • Google Analytics
  • Cookie Consent
  • Automatic dark theme
  • Doorbell widget
  • Github forking banner


Check out websites using the Mobile App Template:

�� How to use

The normal way

  1. Fork this project
  2. Edit _config.yml, feel free to commut/uncomment what you need (google analtytics, or github for example)
  3. Edit _data/app.yml with your app data
  4. Update the text from _data/strings.yml, you can customize there the footer's links
  5. Edit icons and screenshots inside the _images folder and icon.png in the root
  6. Edit _src/index.js to update the product hunt modal (or to remove it) and to remove the darkmode plugin if you don't want it
  7. Deploy (on netlify, gitpages or surge, they are all free)

The no-code way

  1. Go to
  2. Edit the settings on the left part
  3. Click on the Publish button then Save Webpage as .zip
  4. Unzip and upload the folder to your server (you can drag'n'drop it in Netlify to host it there for free)

⚙️ How to run


  • NodeJS
  • Ruby, Bundler


npm install
bundler install


npm start


npm run build

Deploy to netlify (for free)

More documentation

This templates uses Jekyll-webpack-boilerplate, read more documentation there.

�� Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

⭐️ Show your support

Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!


�� Buy me a beer

If you like this project, feel free to donate:

  • PayPal:
  • Bitcoin: 19JiNZ1LkMaz57tewqJaTg2hQWH4RgW4Yp
  • Ethereum: 0xded81fa4624e05339924355fe3504ba9587d5419
  • Monero: 43jqzMquW2q989UKSrB2YbeffhmJhbYb2Yxu289bv7pLRh4xVgMKj5yTd52iL6x1dvCYs9ERg5biHYxMjGkpSTs6S2jMyJn
  • Motive: MOTIV-25T5-SD65-V7LJ-BBWRD (Get Motive Now:
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