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Enforce HTTPS in node.js koa apps
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 景鹏云
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Koa SSLify

Enforce HTTPS middleware for Koa.js

Koa.js middleware to enforce HTTPS connection on any incoming requests.In case of a non-encrypted HTTP request, koa-sslify automatically redirects to an HTTPS address using a 301 permanent redirect(or optionally 307 Temporary Redirect).

Koa SSLify can also work behind reverse proxies (load balancers) like on Heroku, Azure, GCP Ingress etcand supports custom implementations of proxy resolvers.


$ npm install --save koa-sslify


Importing default factory function:

const sslify = require('koa-sslify').default; // factory with default options
const Koa = require('koa');

app = new Koa();

Default function accepts several options.

Name Type Default Description
resolver Function httpsResolver Function used to test if request is secure
hostname Function undefined Function that takes the request hostname string as its only argument and returns the desired hostname to use as a result. Uses request hostname if not set or return value is falsy
port Integer 443 Port of HTTPS server
ignoreUrl Boolean false Ignore url path (redirect to domain)
temporary Boolean false Temporary mode (use 307 Temporary Redirect)
skipDefaultPort Boolean true Avoid :443 port in redirect url
redirectMethods Array ['GET', 'HEAD'] Whitelist methods that should be redirected
disallowStatus Integer 405 Status returned for dissalowed methods


Resolver is a function from classic Koa ctx object to boolean.This function is used to determine if request is or is not secured (true means is secure).Middlware calls this function and based on its returned value either passescontrol to next middleware or responds to the request with appropriate redirect response.

There are several resolvers provided by this library but it should be very easy to implementany type of custom check as well.

for instance, Heroku has a reverse proxy that uses x-forwarded-proto header.This is how you can configure app with this resolver:

const {
  default: sslify, // middleware factory
  xForwardedProtoResolver: resolver // resolver needed
} = require('koa-sslify');
const Koa = require('koa');

app = new Koa();

// init middleware with resolver
app.use(sslify({ resolver }));

Those are all resolver provided by default:

Name Used by Example
httpsResolver Node.js server running with tls support sslify()
xForwardedProtoResolver Heroku, Google Ingress, Nodejitsu sslify({ resolver: xForwardedProtoResolver })
azureResolver Azure sslify({ resolver: azureResolver })
customProtoHeaderResolver any non-standard implementation (Kong) sslify({ resolver: customProtoHeader('x-protocol') })
forwardedResolver standard header sslify({ resolver: forwardedResolver })

Some additional information about reverse proxies:

Reverse Proxies (Heroku, Nodejitsu, GCE Ingress and others)

Heroku, nodejitsu, GCE Ingress and other hosters often use reverse proxies which offer SSL endpointsbut then forward unencrypted HTTP traffic to the website.This makes it difficult to detect if the original request was indeed via HTTPS. Luckily,most reverse proxies set the x-forwarded-proto header flag with the original request scheme.


Azure has a slightly different way of signaling encrypted connections.It uses x-arr-ssl header as a flag to mark https traffic.

Defining Custom Resolver

If you're still in a situation where you need to use custom resolver you can implement it as for example following:

const { default: sslify } = require('koa-sslify');

  resolver: (ctx) => ctx.request.header['x-is-secure'] === 'yup!'

Contributions to increase coverage of default resolvers are welcomed.


Those are full example apps using Koa SSLify to enforce HTTPS.

Without Reverse Proxy

This example starts 2 servers for app.

  • First HTTP server is listening on port 8080 and redirects to second one
  • Second HTTPS server is listening on port 8081
const Koa = require('koa');
const http = require('http');
const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');
const { default: enforceHttps } = require('koa-sslify');

const app = new Koa();

// Force HTTPS using default resolver
  port: 8081

// index page
app.use(ctx => {
  ctx.body = "hello world from " + ctx.request.url;

// SSL options
var options = {
  key: fs.readFileSync('server.key'),
  cert: fs.readFileSync('server.crt')

// start the server
https.createServer(options, app.callback()).listen(8081);

With Reverse Proxy

This example starts a single http server which is designed to run behinda reverse proxy like Heroku.

const Koa = require('koa');
const {
  default: enforceHttps,
  xForwardedProtoResolver: resolver
} = require('koa-sslify');

var app = new Koa();

// Force HTTPS via x-forwarded-proto compatible resolver
app.use(enforceHttps({ resolver }));

// index page
app.use((ctx) => {
  ctx = "hello world from " + ctx.request.url;

// proxy will bind this port to it's 443 and 80 ports

Advanced Redirect Setting

Redirect Methods

By default only GET and HEAD methods are whitelisted for redirect.koa-sslify will respond with 405 with appropriete Allow header by default.You can change whitelisted methods by passing redirectMethods array to optionsas well as change status for disallowed methods using disallowStatus.

Skip Default Port in Redirect URL

By default port is excluded from redirect url if it's set to 443.Since 443 is default port for HTTPS browser will use it by default anyway so thereis no need to explicitly return it as part of URL. Anyway in case you need to always return port as part of URL stringyou can pass options with skipDefaultPort: false to do the trick.




This project is heavily inspired by Florian Heinemann's express-sslifyand Vitaly Domnikov's koa-force-ssl.

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