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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 幸弘扬
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


HTTP logging middleware especially useful to unwind concurrent operations without losing the request context

HTTP logs in a terminal, visualizing server status codes, response times, debug information and errors for concurrent requests
Launch demo in your browser


$ npm install concurrency-logger


With koa

Basic usage

import Koa from 'koa';
import createLogger from 'concurrency-logger';

const app = new Koa;

// Logger is stateful as it contains information about concurrent requests
// Same instance needs to be reused across requests
const logger = createLogger(/* options */);


Log from middleware

// Log something in context to a specific request to trace it back easily -
// also when there are multiple concurrent requests
app.use(async (context, next) => {

    await next();

Attach more context to the log

const logger = createLogger({
    req: context => (
        context.originalUrl + '\n' +

Include localized timestamps

const logger = createLogger({
    timestamp: true

Write log to file

import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';

// To read log use program that interprets ANSI escape codes,
// e.g. cat or less -r
const log = createWriteStream('logs/requests.log');

const logger = createLogger({
    reporter: log

Adjust alert levels per method and response time

const logger = createLogger({
    getLevel: (responseTime, context) => {
              0 -  99ms: 0
            100 - 149ms: 1
            150 - 199ms: 2
            200 - 249ms: 3
            250 - 299ms: 4
            300 - 349ms: 5
            > 350ms    : 6

              0 - 149ms: 0
            150 - 225ms: 1
                   ... : ...

        let threshold = 50; // ms

        if (['POST', 'PUT'].includes(context.method)) {
            threshold *= 1.5;

        return Math.floor(responseTime / threshold) - 1;


import createLogger from 'concurrency-logger';

const logger = createLogger(/* options */);

(async () => {
    const context = {
        method: 'GET',
        originalUrl: '/'

    const next = async () => {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));

        context.status = 200;

    try {
        await logger(context, next);
    } catch (error) {
        // Errors are passed through


Option Type Default Description Example
minSlots integer 1 Amount of space that is provisioned to display concurrent request lanes. Number of lanes will automatically scale up as the number of concurrent requests grow. 3
getLevel integer: function(responseTime: integer) responseTime => Math.floor(responseTime / 50) - 1 Map response time to alert level. Alert levels go from 0 (default color) to 6 (dark red). By default that means <100ms: 0, <150ms: 1 <200ms: 2, ..., >=350ms: 6. responseTime => Math.floor(responseTime / 100)
width integer, boolean(false) undefined If no width is provided, it will be dynamically read from process.stdout.columns. Pass in an integer to break all lines according to the specified fixed (terminal character) width. Pass in false if you want the lines not to break at all. 80, 132, false
timestamp boolean false Print localized timestamp for every requests. true, false
slim boolean false "Slim mode": don't use an extra character between request lanes to shrink width, but make them harder to separate visually. true, false
reporter writable stream process.stdout Specify a stream that handles the output lines. Write to terminal or stream to a log file, for example. Note that the lines contain ANSI color codes, so when streaming to a file you might need a program that can read those. E.g. less -r requests.log require('fs').createWriteStream('logs/requests.log')
req any: function(context: object) context => context.originalUrl Attach additional information to the request log line. context => context.originalUrl + '\n' + context.get('User-Agent')
res any: function(context: object) context => context.originalUrl Attach additional information to the response log line. context => context.originalUrl + '\n' + context.get('User-Agent')


Install development dependencies

$ npm install

Create new fixtures to test against

$ npm run create-fixtures

Manually review fixtures (you need a program that renders ANSI escape codes)

$ less -r test/fixtures/*

Run tests

$ npm test

Run code linter

$ npm run lint

Compile to ES5 from /src to /lib

$ npm run compile

Initialize demo project

$ git clone git@github.com:PabloSichert/concurrency-logger demo
$ cd demo
demo $ git checkout gh-pages
demo $ npm install

Build demo

demo $ npm run compile
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  • Concurrency Kit 提供了大量的并发原生方法和数据结构用于帮助设计和实现高性能的系统开发。该项目最大限度的降低对操作系统的相关性,提供统一的接口,便于程序在不同系统间的移植。

  • 问题内容: 我有一个servlet,它为用户做一些工作,然后减少用户的信用。当我实时查看数据库中的用户信用时,如果有来自同一用户的许多并发请求,则由于并发控制,信用被错误地扣除。假设我有一台服务器,并且数据库管理处于hibernate状态。我正在使用事务控制来处理整个请求,请参见代码以获取详细信息。我有几个问题: 当面对来自同一用户的多个并发请求时,为什么db中的信用计数器到处跳?为什么我的交易控

  • 并发性使程序一次在多个线程上运行。 并发程序的一个示例是Web服务器同时响应许多客户端。 通过消息传递并发很容易,但如果它们基于数据共享则很难编写。 在线程之间传递的数据称为消息。 消息可以由任何类型和任何数量的变量组成。 每个线程都有一个id,用于指定消息的收件人。 任何启动另一个线程的线程都称为新线程的所有者。 在D中启动线程 函数spawn()接受一个指针作为参数,并从该函数启动一个新线程。

  • Erlang中的并发编程需要具有以下基本原则或过程。 该清单包括以下原则 - piD = spawn(Fun) 创建一个评估Fun的新并发进程。 新进程与调用者并行运行。 一个例子如下 - 例子 (Example) -module(helloworld). -export([start/0]). start() -> spawn(fun() -> server("Hello") end)

  • Runnable/Callable Runnable接口只有一个没有返回值的方法。 trait Runnable { def run(): Unit } Callable与之类似,除了它有一个返回值 trait Callable[V] { def call(): V } 线程 Scala并发是建立在Java并发模型基础上的。 在Sun JVM上,对IO密集的任务,我们可以在一台机器运行成千