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所属分类 Web应用开发
软件类型 开源软件
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MERN + Passport.js

example MERN stack application that uses authentication

  • Mongo, Express, React, Node (MERN) + Passport.js for managing authentication
  • This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


View the live version of this app here:https://mern-passport.herokuapp.com/

Project Structure

|-- server/
|  |-- server.js                            // The entry point for running the backend server locally, and main server for production
|  |-- passport/                             // Configuration files used to connect to different machines or set settings
|     |-- index.js                     // Overloads the passport object and defines serialize and deserialize
|     |-- localStrategy.js            // Defines a local strategy
|     |-- googleStrategy.js           // Defines google OAuth stratgey
|     ....
|  |-- db/                             
|     |-- index.js                  // Configures the connection to the database
|     |-- models/                   // represents data from our database, and defines schemas for each collection
|        |-- user.js                // Schema for the User collection
| -- src/                           // Entry for the React client side application


  • In order to set the google authentication up, you must register your app @ https://console.developers.google.com & set GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID & GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET as environmental variables
  • In development mode (i.e. npm run dev), OAuth google callback is not being proxied to the google servers. Therefore in order to test the google OAuth on your local machine do the following:
  1. npm run build
  2. npm run prod
  • 类似 Mean,是另一个全栈 Javascript 开发架构,使用 MongoDB,Express,React,Node。 特性 React 组件的热加载 模块化文件结构 使用 React 路由器进行代码拆分 Ava 测试运行(并行运行测试) 国际化支持 支持 Docker 支持代码生成 搭建自己的 MERN 下面是两个启动工具 MERN Starter git clone https://git

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  • This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: yarn start Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in