is a Node.js library for managinglocal key and content address caches. It's really fast, really good atconcurrency, and it will never give you corrupted data, even if cache filesget corrupted or manipulated.
It was originally written to be used as npm's local cache, butcan just as easily be used on its own.
Translations: español
$ npm install --save cacache
const cacache = require('cacache/en')
const fs = require('fs')
const tarball = '/path/to/mytar.tgz'
const cachePath = '/tmp/my-toy-cache'
const key = 'my-unique-key-1234'
// Cache it! Use `cachePath` as the root of the content cache
cacache.put(cachePath, key, '10293801983029384').then(integrity => {
console.log(`Saved content to ${cachePath}.`)
const destination = '/tmp/mytar.tgz'
// Copy the contents out of the cache and into their destination!
// But this time, use stream instead!
cachePath, key
).on('finish', () => {
console.log('done extracting!')
// The same thing, but skip the key index.
cacache.get.byDigest(cachePath, integrityHash).then(data => {
fs.writeFile(destination, data, err => {
console.log('tarball data fetched based on its sha512sum and written out!')
The cacache team enthusiastically welcomes contributions and project participation! There's a bunch of things you can do if you want to contribute! The Contributor Guide has all the information you need for everything from reporting bugs to contributing entire new features. Please don't hesitate to jump in if you'd like to, or even ask us questions if something isn't clear.
All participants and maintainers in this project are expected to follow Code of Conduct, and just generally be excellent to each other.
Please refer to the Changelog for project history details, too.
Happy hacking!
cacache includes a complete API in English, with the same features as othertranslations. To use the English API as documented in this README, userequire('cacache/en')
. This is also currently the default if you dorequire('cacache')
, but may change in the future.
cacache also supports other languages! You can find the list of currentlysupported ones by looking in ./locales
in the source directory. You can usethe API in that language with require('cacache/<lang>')
Want to add support for a new language? Please go ahead! You should be able tocopy ./locales/en.js
and ./locales/en.json
and fill them in. Translating
is a bit more work, but also appreciated if you get around to it. ����
> -> Promise<Object>
Lists info for all entries currently in the cache as a single large object. Eachentry in the object will be keyed by the unique index key, with
objects as the values.
// Output
'my-thing': {
key: 'my-thing',
integrity: 'sha512-BaSe64/EnCoDED+HAsh=='
path: '.testcache/content/deadbeef', // joined with `cachePath`
time: 12345698490,
size: 4023948,
metadata: {
name: 'blah',
version: '1.2.3',
description: 'this was once a package but now it is my-thing'
'other-thing': {
key: 'other-thing',
integrity: 'sha1-ANothER+hasH=',
path: '.testcache/content/bada55',
time: 11992309289,
size: 111112
> -> Readable
Lists info for all entries currently in the cache as a single large object.
This works just like ls
, except
entries arereturned as 'data'
events on the returned stream.'data', console.log)
// Output
key: 'my-thing',
integrity: 'sha512-BaSe64HaSh',
path: '.testcache/content/deadbeef', // joined with `cachePath`
time: 12345698490,
size: 13423,
metadata: {
name: 'blah',
version: '1.2.3',
description: 'this was once a package but now it is my-thing'
key: 'other-thing',
integrity: 'whirlpool-WoWSoMuchSupport',
path: '.testcache/content/bada55',
time: 11992309289,
size: 498023984029
> cacache.get(cache, key, [opts]) -> Promise({data, metadata, integrity})
Returns an object with the cached data, digest, and metadata identified bykey
. The data
property of this object will be a Buffer
instance thatpresumably holds some data that means something to you. I'm sure you know whatto do with it! cacache just won't care.
is a SubresourceIntegritystring. That is, a string that can be used to verify data
, which looks like<hash-algorithm>-<base64-integrity-hash>
If there is no content identified by key
, or if the locally-stored data doesnot pass the validity checksum, the promise will be rejected.
A sub-function, get.byDigest
may be used for identical behavior, except lookupwill happen by integrity hash, bypassing the index entirely. This version of thefunction only returns data
itself, without any wrapper.
This function loads the entire cache entry into memory before returning it. Ifyou're dealing with Very Large data, consider using
// Look up by key
cache.get(cachePath, 'my-thing').then(console.log)
// Output:
metadata: {
thingName: 'my'
integrity: 'sha512-BaSe64HaSh',
data: Buffer#<deadbeef>,
size: 9320
// Look up by digest
cache.get.byDigest(cachePath, 'sha512-BaSe64HaSh').then(console.log)
// Output:
>, key, [opts]) -> Readable
Returns a Readable Stream of the cached data identified by key
If there is no content identified by key
, or if the locally-stored data doesnot pass the validity checksum, an error will be emitted.
and integrity
events will be emitted before the stream closes, ifyou need to collect that extra data about the cached entry.
A sub-function,
may be used for identical behavior,except lookup will happen by integrity hash, bypassing the index entirely. Thisversion does not emit the metadata
and integrity
events at all.
// Look up by key
cachePath, 'my-thing'
).on('metadata', metadata => {
console.log('metadata:', metadata)
}).on('integrity', integrity => {
console.log('integrity:', integrity)
// Outputs:
metadata: { ... }
integrity: 'sha512-SoMeDIGest+64=='
// Look up by digest
cachePath, 'sha512-SoMeDIGest+64=='
>, key) -> Promise
Looks up key
in the cache index, returning information about the entry ifone exists.
- Key the entry was looked up under. Matches the key
- Subresource Integrity hash for the content this entry refers to.path
- Filesystem path where content is stored, joined with cache
- Timestamp the entry was first added on.metadata
- User-assigned metadata associated with the entry/, 'my-thing').then(console.log)
// Output
key: 'my-thing',
integrity: 'sha256-MUSTVERIFY+ALL/THINGS=='
path: '.testcache/content/deadbeef',
time: 12345698490,
size: 849234,
metadata: {
name: 'blah',
version: '1.2.3',
description: 'this was once a package but now it is my-thing'
> cacache.get.hasContent(cache, integrity) -> Promise
Looks up a Subresource Integrity hash in the cache. If contentexists for this integrity
, it will return an object, with the specific single integrity hashthat was found in sri
key, and the size of the found content as size
. If no content exists for this integrity, it will return false
cacache.get.hasContent(cachePath, 'sha256-MUSTVERIFY+ALL/THINGS==').then(console.log)
// Output
sri: {
source: 'sha256-MUSTVERIFY+ALL/THINGS==',
algorithm: 'sha256',
options: []
size: 9001
cacache.get.hasContent(cachePath, 'sha521-NOT+IN/CACHE==').then(console.log)
// Output
> cacache.put(cache, key, data, [opts]) -> Promise
Inserts data passed to it into the cache. The returned Promise resolves with adigest (generated according to opts.algorithms
) after thecache entry has been successfully written.
).then(data => {
return cacache.put(cachePath, '|cacache@1.0.0', data)
}).then(integrity => {
console.log('integrity hash is', integrity)
>, key, [opts]) -> Writable
Returns a WritableStream that insertsdata written to it into the cache. Emits an integrity
event with the digest ofwritten contents when it succeeds.
cachePath, '|cacache@1.0.0'
).on('integrity', d => console.log(`integrity digest is ${d}`))
> cacache.put options
functions have a number of options in common.
Arbitrary metadata to be attached to the inserted key.
If provided, the data stream will be verified to check that enough data waspassed through. If there's more or less data than expected, insertion will failwith an EBADSIZE
If present, the pre-calculated digest for the inserted content. If this optionif provided and does not match the post-insertion digest, insertion will failwith an EINTEGRITY
has no effect if this option is present.
Default: ['sha512']
Hashing algorithms to use when calculating the subresource integritydigestfor inserted data. Can use any algorithm listed in crypto.getHashes()
to pick a random hash algorithm on each insertion. Youmay also use any anagram of 'modnar'
to use this feature.
Currently only supports one algorithm at a time (i.e., an array length ofexactly 1
). Has no effect if opts.integrity
is present.
If provided, cacache will do its best to make sure any new files added to thecache use this particular uid
combination. This can be used,for example, to drop permissions when someone uses sudo
, but cacache makesno assumptions about your needs here.
Default: null
If provided, cacache will memoize the given cache insertion in memory, bypassingany filesystem checks for that key or digest in future cache fetches. Nothingwill be written to the in-memory cache unless this option is explicitly truthy.
If opts.memoize
is an object or a Map
-like (that is, an object with get
and set
methods), it will be written to instead of the global memoizationcache.
Reading from disk data can be forced by explicitly passing memoize: false
tothe reader functions, but their default will be to read from memory.
> cacache.rm.all(cache) -> Promise
Clears the entire cache. Mainly by blowing away the cache directory itself.
cacache.rm.all(cachePath).then(() => {
console.log('THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US ��')
> cacache.rm.entry(cache, key) -> Promise
Alias: cacache.rm
Removes the index entry for key
. Content will still be accessible ifrequested directly by content address (
To remove the content itself (which might still be used by other entries), userm.content
. Or, to safely vacuum any unused content, useverify
cacache.rm.entry(cachePath, 'my-thing').then(() => {
console.log('I did not like it anyway')
> cacache.rm.content(cache, integrity) -> Promise
Removes the content identified by integrity
. Any index entries referring to itwill not be usable again until the content is re-added to the cache with anidentical digest.
cacache.rm.content(cachePath, 'sha512-SoMeDIGest/IN+BaSE64==').then(() => {
console.log('data for my-thing is gone!')
> cacache.setLocale(locale)
Configure the language/locale used for messages and errors coming from cacache.The list of available locales is in the ./locales
directory in the projectroot.
Interested in contributing more languages! Submit a PR!
> cacache.clearMemoized()
Completely resets the in-memory entry cache.
> tmp.mkdir(cache, opts) -> Promise<Path>
Returns a unique temporary directory inside the cache's tmp
dir. Thisdirectory will use the same safe user assignment that all the other stuff use.
Once the directory is made, it's the user's responsibility that all files withinare made according to the same opts.gid
settings that would bepassed in. If not, you can ask cacache to do it for you by callingtmp.fix()
, which will fix all tmp directory permissions.
If you want automatic cleanup of this directory, usetmp.withTmp()
cacache.tmp.mkdir(cache).then(dir => {
fs.writeFile(path.join(dir, 'blablabla'), Buffer#<1234>, ...)
> tmp.withTmp(cache, opts, cb) -> Promise
Creates a temporary directory with tmp.mkdir()
and calls cb
with it. The created temporary directory will be removed when the return valueof cb()
resolves -- that is, if you return a Promise from cb()
, the tmpdirectory will be automatically deleted once that promise completes.
The same caveats apply when it comes to managing permissions for the tmp dir'scontents.
cacache.tmp.withTmp(cache, dir => {
return fs.writeFileAsync(path.join(dir, 'blablabla'), Buffer#<1234>, ...)
}).then(() => {
// `dir` no longer exists
For content verification and addressing, cacache uses strings following theSubresourceIntegrity spec.That is, any time cacache expects an integrity
argument or option, itshould be in the format <hashAlgorithm>-<base64-hash>
One deviation from the current spec is that cacache will support any hashalgorithms supported by the underlying Node.js process. You can usecrypto.getHashes()
to see which ones you can use.
If you have an existing content shasum, they are generally formatted as ahexadecimal string (that is, a sha1 would look like:5f5513f8822fdbe5145af33b64d8d970dcf95c6e
). In order to be compatible withcacache, you'll need to convert this to an equivalent subresource integritystring. For this example, the corresponding hash would be:sha1-X1UT+IIv2+UUWvM7ZNjZcNz5XG4=
If you want to generate an integrity string yourself for existing data, you canuse something like this:
const crypto = require('crypto')
const hashAlgorithm = 'sha512'
const data = 'foobarbaz'
const integrity = (
hashAlgorithm +
'-' +
You can also use ssri
to have a richer set of functionalityaround SRI strings, including generation, parsing, and translating from existinghex-formatted strings.
> cacache.verify(cache, opts) -> Promise
Checks out and fixes up your cache:
directory in the cache and all its contents.When it's done, it'll return an object with various stats about the verificationprocess, including amount of storage reclaimed, number of valid entries, numberof entries removed, etc.
- uid to assign to cache and its contentsopts.gid
- gid to assign to cache and its contentsopts.filter
- receives a formatted entry. Return false to remove it.Note: might be called more than once on the same entry.echo somegarbage >> $CACHEPATH/content/deadbeef
cacache.verify(cachePath).then(stats => {
// deadbeef collected, because of invalid checksum.
console.log('cache is much nicer now! stats:', stats)
> cacache.verify.lastRun(cache) -> Promise
Returns a Date
representing the last time cacache.verify
was run on cache
cacache.verify(cachePath).then(() => {
cacache.verify.lastRun(cachePath).then(lastTime => {
console.log('cacache.verify was last called on' + lastTime)
我把Node,js安装路径修改为E:\Node,全局安装包报错 一、先在Node文件夹,新建node_cache, node_global node_cache用来存放下载包的缓存 node_global存放全局安装模块 一开始的报错提示是没有权限,所以要开放权限:按以下步骤 右键node_cache文件夹 属性 安全 编辑 Users 勾选完全控制 二、完成后执行以下两个命令,设置路径 npm
检查是否以管理员身份打开vscode或者cmd 取消ssl验证 npm set strict-ssl false 从0.9.2(包括0.10.x)开始,node.js现在默认验证证书。 这就是为什么当升级到node.js 0.8之后,它会变得更加严格的原因。 重新设置下载镜像 npm config set registry 或者将npm源
node.js安装完成后执行命令: npm install express -g 报如下错误 npm ERR! code EPERM npm ERR! syscall mkdir npm ERR! path D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_cache\_cacache npm ERR! errno -4048 npm ERR! Error: EPERM: operati
bug背景: node安装完成后,修改npm的本地仓库: npm config set prefix “D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_global” npm config set cache “D:\Program Files\nodejs\node_cache” 修改以后发现cmd报权限问题,经过一番折腾,发现.npmrc文件格式错乱: 解决方案: 方法一: 管理员权
这个错误就是权限问题,非要用管理员权限才可以运行 点击跳转
新电脑刚安装nodejs,使用npm全局安装淘宝镜像时出现问题,以下是我的代码 npm install -g cnpm --registry= 报-4048错误: Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, mkdir ‘XXXX\node_cache_cacache’ 查询到说需要管理员权限安装,找到