
Better completion for npm
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 Web应用开发、 常用JavaScript包
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 邢财
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Better completion for npm

  • Makes npm install recommendations from npm cache
  • Makes npm uninstall recommendations from dependencies/devDependencies
  • Shows detailed information on script contents for npm run
  • Falls back to default npm completions if we don't have anything better


Using Antigen

Bundle zsh-better-npm-completion in your .zshrc

antigen bundle lukechilds/zsh-better-npm-completion

Using zplug

Load zsh-better-npm-completion as a plugin in your .zshrc

zplug "lukechilds/zsh-better-npm-completion", defer:2

Using zgen

Include the load command in your .zshrc

zgen load lukechilds/zsh-better-npm-completion

As an Oh My ZSH! custom plugin

Clone zsh-better-npm-completion into your custom plugins repo

git clone https://github.com/lukechilds/zsh-better-npm-completion ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/zsh-better-npm-completion

Then load as a plugin in your .zshrc



Clone this repository somewhere (~/.zsh-better-npm-completion for example)

git clone https://github.com/lukechilds/zsh-better-npm-completion.git ~/.zsh-better-npm-completion

Then source it in your .zshrc

source ~/.zsh-better-npm-completion/zsh-better-npm-completion.plugin.zsh


  • zsh-nvm - Zsh plugin for installing, updating and loading nvm
  • gifgen - Simple high quality GIF encoding


MIT © Luke Childs

  • 不知不觉,脚本命令已经写了十来条,而且会越多(人的贪婪是无止境的),如果有自动补全机制该有多好啊,既然你我都能想到这个场景需要,npm 当然也会帮我做这类事情了。 列出所有命令 请记得前面查看显性变量列表 npm run env | grep npm_package | sort,这里在介绍一种更具体的显示命令集合的 shell npm run | less,简单剖析下,知道的童鞋自行跳过。 np

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