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开发语言 PHP
所属分类 Web应用开发、 Web框架
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 苏宾鸿
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Note: This package is only used by Backpack v3. Starting with Backpack v4, everything this package does is included in Backpack/CRUD - one package to rule them all.

Laravel Backpack v3.x's central package, which includes:

  • admin login interface, using AdminLTE;
  • basic menu;
  • pretty error pages;
  • alerts system (notification bubbles);

Install on Laravel 7.x, 8.x and up

Since September 2019, when we released Backpack 4.x, this package is no longer used. Only Backpack 3.x uses Backpack\Base, and Backpack 3.x will not receive support for Laravel 7.x, 8.x and above. We do encourage you to use Backpack + Laravel 7/8/up, but to do that please use the latest major version of Backpack.

Install on Laravel 6, 5.8, 5.7, 5.6 or 5.5

  1. Run in your terminal:
composer require backpack/base
php artisan backpack:base:install
  1. Make sure the reset password emails have the correct reset link by adding these to your User model:
  • before class name use Backpack\Base\app\Notifications\ResetPasswordNotification as ResetPasswordNotification;
  • as a method inside the User class:
   * Send the password reset notification.
   * @param  string  $token
   * @return void
  public function sendPasswordResetNotification($token)
      $this->notify(new ResetPasswordNotification($token));
  1. [optional] Change values in config/backpack/base.php to make the admin panel your own. Change menu color, project name, developer name etc.


Upgrading from Laravel 5.8 to Laravel 6

  • just upgrade your Laravel version and make sure you're running Backpack/Base 1.1.9 or higher;

Upgrading from Laravel 5.7 to Laravel 5.8 (or from Base 1.0 to Base 1.1)

  • Upgrade to Laravel 5.8; you might need to change your backpack/crud dependency to 3.6.* in your composer.json;
  • in your App\Models\BackpackUser instead of Tightenco\Parental\HasParent, please use Backpack\Base\app\Models\Traits\InheritsRelationsFromParentModel; here's the diff;
  • in your app/config/backpack/base.php please change your default_date_format and default_datetime_format to Do MMMM YYYY and Do MMMM YYYY, HH:mm respectively;
  • if you've overwritten inc/head.blade.php or inc/scripts.blade.php, please make sure you use the newest version of Bootstrap; they've fixed a security vulnerability (XSS);


  1. Register a new user at yourappname/admin/register
  2. Your admin panel will be available at yourappname/admin or yourappname/login
  3. [optional] If you're building an admin panel, you should close the registration. In config/backpack/base.php look for "registration_open" and change it to false.

Example generated CRUD interface

Overwriting Functionality

If you need to modify how this works in a project:

  • create a routes/backpack/base.php file; the package will see that, and load your routes file, instead of the one in the package;
  • create controllers/models that extend the ones in the package, and use those in your new routes file;
  • modify anything you'd like in the new controllers/models;

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


Officially this package has:

  • stopped receiving updates in Sep 2019;
  • stopped receiving security updates in Sep 2020;

However, if you discover any security related issues, please email hello@tabacitu.ro and we'll probably push an update nonetheless. Or at least inform people who are still using this version of the vulnerability. We take security seriously, so we'll go above and beyond to make sure our users' admin panels are safe.

Please subscribe to the Backpack Newsletter so you can find out about any security updates, breaking changes or major features. We send an email every 1-2 months.



Backpack is free for non-commercial use and 69 EUR/project for commercial use. Please see License File and backpackforlaravel.com for more information.

Hire us

We've spend more than 50.000 hours creating, polishing and maintaining administration panels on Laravel. We've developed e-Commerce, e-Learning, ERPs, social networks, payment gateways and much more. We've worked on admin panels so much, that we've created one of the most popular software in its niche - just from making public what was repetitive in our projects.

If you are looking for a developer/team to help you build an admin panel on Laravel, look no further. You'll have a difficult time finding someone with more experience & enthusiasm for this. This is what we do. Contact us. Let's see if we can work together.

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  • 目录: 图片为什么要转base64格式 base64概念 java实现图片与base64互转(编码与解码) 后端图片转base64格式返回给前端,前端如何展示 一.图片为什么要转base64格式 图片的 base64 编码就是可以将一副图片数据编码成一串字符串,使用该字符串代替图像地址 1. 提升性能: 网页上的每一个图片,都是需要消耗一个 http 请求下载而来的, 图片的下载始终都要向服务器发

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  • 一、Base64算法的由来         Base64算法最早应用于解决电子邮件传输的问题。在早期,由于“历史问题”,电子邮件只允许ASCII码字符。如果要传输一封带有非ASCII码字符的电子邮件,当它通过有“历史问题”的网关时就可能出现问题。这个网关很可能会对这个非ASCII码字符的二进制位做调整,即将这个非ASCII码的8位二进制码的最高位置为0。此时用户收到的邮件就会是一封纯粹的乱码邮件了

  • 问题内容: 我正在使用客户端/服务器系统,并且正在尝试进行一些基本的加密。当我连接到服务器时,我将公钥作为转义的字符串通过套接字发送。我已经验证了字符串在两端,换行符和所有字符串上都是 相同的 。 在客户端(Android)上,我可以使用公钥/私钥成功加密和解密秘密密钥(出于测试目的)。但是,当尝试将公共密钥从String解码为byte []时,服务器立即无法通过以下操作失败: 如果我理解正确的话

  • 问题内容: 我有一个自定义适配器,可显示订单列表中的每一行。 从Web服务查询新的订单列表之后,我想更新ListView的内容,因此我让Activity在调用notifyDataSetChanged()之前进行更新。 但是,从不调用OrderRowAdapter的getView()方法。ListView永远不会更新。 问题答案: 原来我不被叫的问题是因为它不可见。我的布局XML已经上与它的高度。因

  • 问题内容: 我想编码一个可能是图像或任何pdf的文件并将其发送到服务器。我必须遵循哪种类型的编码和解码。(服务器和客户端都在我们公司内。我们可以在两个地方都写逻辑)。Java默认情况下支持 UTF-8编码 。并使用 Base-64 编码,我必须导入外部jar。对于简单的文本,两种方法都可以正常工作。我正在使用tcp套接字编程。 使用UTF-8编码 使用Base-64(使用Apache的common

  • 问题内容: 我一直在尝试使用 GZIPOutputStream 等,但在理解它们方面没有成功。我要做的就是将字符串- “字符串” 转换为GZIP Base64格式。我怎样才能做到这一点? 编辑: 通过GZIP Base64格式,我的意思是字符串首先使用GZIP压缩,然后转换为Base64 问题答案: 使用Apache Commons Codec 。 这是一个示例类: 哪个输出: 在Linux下,您

  • 问题内容: Windows和Linux系统上的文件名可以安全使用Base64编码吗?从我的研究中,我发现用或替换结果的所有字符都可以解决任何问题。 谁能提供更多详细信息? 当前在Java中,我正在使用以下代码: 问题答案: 修改的Base64(时,和被替换)安全地创建名字,但不保证逆变换由于许多文件系统和URL不区分大小写。 Base64区分大小写,因此在不区分大小写的文件系统(所有Windows

  • 问题内容: 关于JDK 5的这个问题说,[DK 5没有提供任何实现,但是JDK 6应该有一个实现。 据我所知,该类未随JDK提供,并且无法在其中找到任何其他类似的类。 那么,JDK6的情况如何? 我知道有许多类似Commons和JBoss的实现,但是我们有一个严格的第三方lib策略,因此我试图避免重新发明轮子。 问题答案: 不,在Java 5和Java 6之间情况没有改变。 不幸的是,Java S

  • 问题内容: 这是我在JSP文件中的Java代码。我正进入(状态 无法解析Base64Encoder。 为什么会这样呢?我必须添加与相关的内容。任何建议将不胜感激。 问题答案: 看起来您正在使用Web应用程序中包含的jar中不存在的类。您可以尝试以下吗?如有必要,请进行调整,我只是在查看通用文档,然后将其输入- 转到http://commons.apache.org/codec/index.html

  • 问题内容: 就像标题所说的那样,我正在尝试在Java中将字符串“ test”编码为base32字符串“ ORSXG5A =“。 我在网上搜索时发现的所有类都是使用32位从字符串编码为数组的类,但是显然这不是我想要的。 很抱歉这个新手问题。 问题答案: Apache commons编解码器提供了一个可以执行此操作的类 版画 您可以在此处下载。