A Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK.
This package requires Laravel 6.x and higher or Lumen 6.x and higher.
composer require kreait/laravel-firebase
If you use Lumen or don't use Laravel's package auto-discovery, add the following service provider inconfig/app.php
(Laravel) or bootstrap/app.php
// config/app.php
return [
// ...
'providers' => [
// ...
// ...
// bootstrap/app.php
// If you want to use the Facades provided by the package
See UPGRADE.md for upgrade instructions.
In order to access a Firebase project and its related services using a server SDK, requests must be authenticated.For server-to-server communication this is done with a Service Account.
The package uses auto discovery for the default project to find the credentials needed for authenticating requests tothe Firebase APIs by inspecting certain environment variables and looking into Google's well known path(s).
If you don't already have generated a Service Account, you can do so by following the instructions from theofficial documentation pages at https://firebase.google.com/docs/admin/setup#initialize_the_sdk.
Once you have downloaded the Service Account JSON file, you can configure the package by specifyingenvironment variables starting with FIREBASE_
in your .env
file. Usually, the following arerequired for the package to work:
# relative or full path to the Service Account JSON file
# You can find the database URL for your project at
# https://console.firebase.google.com/project/_/database
For further configuration, please see config/firebase.php. You can modify the configurationby copying it to your local config
directory or by defining the environment variables used in the config file:
# Laravel
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kreait\Laravel\Firebase\ServiceProvider" --tag=config
# Lumen
mkdir -p config
cp vendor/kreait/laravel-firebase/config/firebase.php config/firebase.php
Component | Automatic Injection | Facades | app() |
Authentication | \Kreait\Firebase\Auth |
Firebase::auth() |
app('firebase.auth') |
Cloud Firestore | \Kreait\Firebase\Firestore |
Firebase::firestore() |
app('firebase.firestore') |
Cloud Messaging (FCM) | \Kreait\Firebase\Messaging |
Firebase::messaging() |
app('firebase.messaging') |
Dynamic Links | \Kreait\Firebase\DynamicLinks |
Firebase::dynamicLinks() |
app('firebase.dynamic_links') |
Realtime Database | \Kreait\Firebase\Database |
Firebase::database() |
app('firebase.database') |
Remote Config | \Kreait\Firebase\RemoteConfig |
Firebase::remoteConfig() |
app('firebase.remote_config') |
Cloud Storage | \Kreait\Firebase\Storage |
Firebase::storage() |
app('firebase.storage') |
Once you have retrieved a component, please refer to the documentation of the Firebase PHP Admin SDKfor further information on how to use it.
You don't need and should not use the new Factory()
pattern described in the SDK documentation, this is alreadydone for you with the Laravel Service Provider. Use Dependency Injection, the Facades or the app()
helper instead
Multiple projects can be configured in config/firebase.php by adding another section to the projects array.
When accessing components, the facade uses the default project. You can also explicitly use a project:
use Kreait\Laravel\Firebase\Facades\Firebase;
// Return an instance of the Auth component for the default Firebase project
$defaultAuth = Firebase::auth();
// Return an instance of the Auth component for a specific Firebase project
$appAuth = Firebase::project('app')->auth();
$anotherAppAuth = Firebase::project('another-app')->auth();
Firebase Admin PHP SDK is licensed under the MIT License.
Your use of Firebase is governed by the Terms of Service for Firebase Services.
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